Yep, Billy Buck Teefus here -- American redneck savant.
Here to tell you that - if you like pitbulls and hockey moms
and "real Americans" -- why, you ain't gonna find
a better book than this here new best-seller from Miss Sarah
Palin -- "Goin' Vogue."
Them that can read tells me it's getting poor reviews from
the godless elite liberal media.
But I like Sarah Palin, cause she knows how to pander to
lowest common denominator types like me. Plus, we both believe
in the God-given right of every fetus to own a gun.
So go on out and get yerself a copy of "Goin' Vogue"
-- why, it's chock full of homespun, common-sense misinformation
about how to field dress Katie Couric and how to fight off
one of President Obama's death panels.