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Monopoly game rigged: Luxury tax deal cut!
As the Republicans celebrated their triumphant "compromise"
over Obama and the Democrats -- the wealthiest Americans popped
open the bubbly to toast their luxury tax cuts and their monopoly
ownership of Congress.
And as the poorest 95% scratched their heads wondering why
the rich just got richer again, the specter of George W. Bush
smirked from the bestseller list.
Republicans pledge allegiance to trickle-down economics because
their share of the trickle is a Category 5 whitewater cash
tsunami. Democrats reap the bounty too, but at least they
try to help those struggling to stay above water.
The Tea Party saluted the deficit-busting move -- saying
it hasn't yet caught on that it's getting exploited by the
corporate-owned GOP.
China also saluted the move -- saying in an official statement,
"Thank you very much."
2008 Campaign Trail Obama could not be reached for comment.
Posted on December 7, 2010 11:03 AM
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