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Washington: 'Shining' city upon a hill
John Breneman
Turns out a mental condition was to blame for the Arizona
tragedy. Not only that, the shooter was mentally
ill, too.
Yes, I'm saying our entire political-media industrial complex
is mentally deranged. Unhinged. Bonkers. Psycho.
What other diagnosis is possible for an allegedly reasonable,
Democratic system in which the president is routinely demonized
as a foreign-born, racist, Nazi who hates white people and
wants to kill your grandmother?
A rich-get-richer society in which rabid forces protect
the rights of psychos to have machine guns?
A public forum that fails to hold leaders accountable for
poisoning the air with shouts of: "Armed and dangerous!"
"Second Amendment remedies!" and "Don't retreat
It is difficult to understand, but somehow our entire political
system seems to have slipped through the mental-health safety
net -- despite all the red flags.
Yes, dear citizens. With apologies to Ronald Reagan and
Jack Nicholson, our beloved Washington D.C. has become a
"Shining" city upon a hill.
Posted on January 11, 2011 9:26 AM
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