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February 28, 2011

Sheen Magazine shocker !!

Posted by John Breneman at 5:44 PM |

February 14, 2011

The trouble with Valentine's Day

The trouble with Valentine's Day

Sometimes, Jay mused to himself as he scanned the sports page on a blustery mid-February morning, life just isn't fair.

Here it was Valentine's Day, and he was feeling more than a bit lonely and depressed that all his relationships had failed, even the ones he'd truly hoped would last.   (READ MORE)

Posted by John Breneman at 8:17 AM |

February 11, 2011

Palin's birthday: Make a wish!

Happy birthday, Sarah Palin

Chapter 2: The Early Days

Baby Sarah was born Feb. 11, 1964, in a nondescript manger in Sandpoint, Idaho, but moved to Alaska just six weeks later when her parents fled the Gem State to escape the ever-present threat of socialism.

"(Real) America by Heart: Reflections on
(Exploiting) Family, Faith and Flag (For Fun & Profit)"

Posted by John Breneman at 9:44 AM |

February 9, 2011

Humor Gazette buys The Daily Palin for $315M

Humor Gazette buys The Daily Palin for $315M

The Humor Gazette, the underground media/satire conglomerate that claims to trace its roots to the Revolutionary War, has purchased The Daily Palin for a reported $315 million.

The blockbuster deal shocked media analysts, coming amid speculation that the controversial Palin satire site was about to be gobbled up by one of the handful of media companies that now own everything.

In addition to stock options, sources say the mega-sale included five caribou pelts, a box of guns and an undisclosed sum of cash rumored to be in excess of $4.

Humor Gazette CEO John Breneman said the acquisition made financial sense despite Palin's plummeting approval numbers, because her disapproval numbers are skyrocketing. Polls show Americans equally divided on whether Palin will run for president, foment an armed revolution or goad some maniac into taking a shot at "Death Panel" Obama.

"Obviously, since Tucson, Palin is just not even remotely funny anymore," he said. "But as long as she keeps firing off hateful, incoherent rants against the president -- and the media keeps lapping it up -- she's a hot commodity." The Daily Palin also offers Palin products ranging from "Gall of Duty" video games to Sarah's Super-Sensitive In-Your-Face Cream for Ultra-Thin Skin, and a parody book titled "(Real) America By Heart: Reflections on (Exploiting) Family Faith and Flag (For Fun & Profit)."

Sources say The Daily Palin's head writer is taking an indefinite medical leave to combat ailments (including malignant soul weevils) triggered by Palin's rare ability to spread cancer without actually having it.

Headquartered in New York, Los Angeles and London, with brand-new international bureaus popping up in skyscrapers from Dusseldorf and Dubai, the Humor Gazette is also said to be eyeing The Daily Romney, Gingrich Aficionado and The Huckabee Post.

Posted by John Breneman at 8:43 AM |

February 2, 2011

Groundhog's shocking predictions

Groundhog Day Afternoon:
Woodchuck gives shocking predictions for 2011

Posted by John Breneman at 9:01 AM |

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