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Trump claims he has proof Obama is black
PORTSMOUTH, N.H -- Republican hairball Donald Trump today
bragged about pressuring President Obama to release his
long-form birth certificate, saying the debate can now shift
to more important matters -- like forcing the president
to produce papers proving he's not a Nazi.
in Portsmouth, N.H., the bombastic birther said his paid
experts will issue a ruling on the authenticity of Obama's
birth certificate in 4-6 weeks, hinting that he suspects
it may be a forgery.
In a related development, Trump has parlayed his sliming
of America's president into a lucrative endorsement from
the Ku Klux Klan. A Klan spokesman said Trump stands to
win millions of votes in the coveted racist demographic
if he would just come out and call Obama the N-word instead
of dancing around it day after day.
The move ends speculation that the Klan might snub Trump
due to his oft-repeated claim that he is beloved by "the
blacks." Trump further solidified his standing among
U.S. bigots by claiming it would be "easy" to
slash gas prices and fix the economy -- just start tough-talking
the towel heads and the Chinamen.
Genius Trump is also claiming the illegitimate president
was some kind of a dunce in college -- even though Obama
was brilliant enough to be elected president of the Harvard
Law Review.
Two-faced Trump has dumped his past support of reproductive
rights, universal health care and taxing the rich to help
the nation -- flip-flopping to qualify as a pandering Republican.
time Trump speaks, his words plummet in value -- and his business
ventures now carry the taint of his repugnant, fact-free
campaign of character assassination.
It speaks volumes that polls put this blowhard atop the
Republicans presidential heap. Polls also show a sharp increase
in the number of people who once found Trump barely tolerable
but now see him as a pathetic, unpatriotic media whore.
-- John Breneman
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Posted on April 28, 2011 9:11 AM
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