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August 18, 2011
E*Trade baby jailed for insider trading
Posted by John Breneman at 9:03 AM | Permalink
August 15, 2011
Recipe: Roast Ox Smoothie
recipes: Roast Ox Smoothie
Though some folks favor lemonade, root beer floats or iced
tea, old-timers know there's nothing quite like a refreshing
Roast Ox Smoothie to take the edge off on a sweltering summer
1 600-lb. oxen, freshly killed
2 dozen cloves of garlic
1 large sack of onions, cubed
9 gal. Worcestershire sauce
1-1/2 fistfuls of paprika
8 oz. plain yogurt
Throw the onions and garlic into a mixing bowl and thrash
them viciously with a studded leather belt until they begin
to resemble a pile of severely abused chunks of onions and
Rub some of the garlic and onion mix onto your teeth and
gums to ward off evil, then place the rest in an all-weather
trash bin. Fling the paprika on top and seal with duct tape.
Next: Decapitate, skin and gut the ox using an ordinary household
oxen shiv, medium-sized chainsaw or a crew of illegal Mexican
laborers. Lightly brush the grotesque uncooked flesh with
Worcestershire marinade and cover with a tarp to protect from
flies and maggots and neighborhood dogs.
Dig a hole in your backyard and fill with wood, coal and
construction debris. (environmental enthusiasts may prefer
to substitute alternative fuels such as switch grass, Duraflame
logs or oxen dung).
Construct a makeshift oxen spit, then muscle the bloody carcass
onto the contraption. Douse the bonfire pit with lighter fluid
or gasoline (at least 89 octane for best results) and ignite,
making sure flames do not exceed 15 feet in height.
Cook for approximately half a day, continually rotating the
gigantic slab so it chars evenly while the center remains
pink and tender. Remove from heat and trim into blender-sized
Shovel ingredients into industrial-sized food processor and
puree for 45 minutes.
Dump into a tall glass over ice, garnish with a sprig of
anchovy and serve.
Posted by John Breneman at 8:45 AM | Permalink
August 5, 2011
Economic Horror-scope
Posted by John Breneman at 9:45 AM | Permalink
August 1, 2011
Saluting AmeriCone Dream
Buck Teefus
salutes Stephen Colbert's
AmeriCone Dream ice cream
Editor's note: My friend Billy Buck Teefus -- American
redneck savant -- is passionate about Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone
Dream ice cream. Read his testimonial below or WATCH
Yep, Billy Buck Teefus here American redneck savant
singin' the praises of the most patriotic product ya
hard-earned money can buy Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone
Dream ice cream.
Nation either you's with Stephen Colbert and his America-made,
freedom-lovin' ice cream er you's with the terrorists.
right. A patriotic American who ain't eatin' Stephen Colbert's
ice cream?
why, that'd be like a presidential candidate
walkin' around without a little American flag pin on his lapel.
Or badmouthin' the troops by saying we oughta bring 'em home.
What kinda latte-drinkin', socialized-medicine wantin', unnecessary
war-hatin' sumbitch would refuse to buy a product that has
red and white United States flag stripes right on the box?
Bunch of anti-AmeriCone terrorist sympathizers, that's who.
You know who hates this stuff? Iranian President Mahmoud
Ima-make-sure-ain't-nobody-can-eat-AmeriCone Dream-after-dinner-jad.
This is Billy Buck Teefus here to tell ya to hustle on out
to the corner store and git yerself a tub of Stephen Colbert's
AmeriCone Dream.
Why, every bite is chockful of chocolate fudge, gooey caramel
'n' sweet truthiness.
Billy Buck Teefus
American redneck savant
also appears in:
to tell if yer president is a redneck
Home Shopping Channel
gits Tasered
Buck Teefus vs. O.J. Simpson
VISIT: www.ColbertNation.com
AND "The
Colbert Report"
Posted by John Breneman at 4:30 PM | Permalink