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Buck Teefus
salutes Stephen Colbert's
AmeriCone Dream ice cream
Editor's note: My friend Billy Buck Teefus -- American
redneck savant -- is passionate about Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone
Dream ice cream. Read his testimonial below or WATCH
Yep, Billy Buck Teefus here American redneck savant
singin' the praises of the most patriotic product ya
hard-earned money can buy Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone
Dream ice cream.
Nation either you's with Stephen Colbert and his America-made,
freedom-lovin' ice cream er you's with the terrorists.
right. A patriotic American who ain't eatin' Stephen Colbert's
ice cream?
why, that'd be like a presidential candidate
walkin' around without a little American flag pin on his lapel.
Or badmouthin' the troops by saying we oughta bring 'em home.
What kinda latte-drinkin', socialized-medicine wantin', unnecessary
war-hatin' sumbitch would refuse to buy a product that has
red and white United States flag stripes right on the box?
Bunch of anti-AmeriCone terrorist sympathizers, that's who.
You know who hates this stuff? Iranian President Mahmoud
Ima-make-sure-ain't-nobody-can-eat-AmeriCone Dream-after-dinner-jad.
This is Billy Buck Teefus here to tell ya to hustle on out
to the corner store and git yerself a tub of Stephen Colbert's
AmeriCone Dream.
Why, every bite is chockful of chocolate fudge, gooey caramel
'n' sweet truthiness.
Billy Buck Teefus
American redneck savant
also appears in:
to tell if yer president is a redneck
Home Shopping Channel
gits Tasered
Buck Teefus vs. O.J. Simpson
VISIT: www.ColbertNation.com
AND "The
Colbert Report"
Posted on August 1, 2011 4:30 PM
| Permalink
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