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May 27, 2012

A Flag Divided

America inspired me to create this image today

Posted by John Breneman at 9:33 AM |

May 25, 2012

Plugs: Political Irony and Humor Times

America riddled with Political Irony

Keen observers of the American politial scene understand that it is rife with irony -- not to mention malfeasance, mendacity and mind-numbing skullduggery.

Washington is awash in legalized bribery, flip-floppery and flaming hypocrisy -- churning out a surplus of oxymorons, regular morons and stone-cold, bought-and-paid-for, bamboozling-the-public morons.

But back to the irony... The Humor Gazette has learned that there is an excellent website whose mission is to help cut through the chaos --

This is a website so astute that this week it featured a high-profile plug for the Humor Gazette, featuring our regal bald eagle boldly calling out our nation's leaders. Please stop by for a visit and tell 'em the Humor Gazette sent you.

Thank you, also, to California-based Humor Times -- an old-school, new-media humor publication that "lampoons lame politicians" while featuring the best in editorial cartoons, columns and "fake news better than Fox's."

Posted by John Breneman at 5:39 AM |

May 24, 2012

Rolling Stones exclusive! Plus, God on Newsweek

Rolling Stones announce 'Fossils' world tour

The Rolling Stones today announced plans for a worldwide "Dig the Fossils" tour opening Aug. 18 at Fenway Park -- marking the first time the Stones have played Boston since 1918.

Wrinkly frontman Mick Jagger -- now almost fully recovered from his very funny performance on "Saturday Night Live" -- was recently named "Sexiest Sexagenarian Alive" by AARP magazine.

The Stones (aka "Their Arthritic Majesties") have updated many of their best-loved songs to reflect their advanced age. The following is a partial list of old favorites the band is expected to play.

"Jumpin' Jack Kevorkian"

"Gimme Assisted Living Shelter"

"19th Digestive Breakdown"

"Grandmother's Little Helper"

"Bypass Surgery for the Devil"

"You Can't Always Get the Prescription Drugs You Want"

"Gray Sugar"

"When the Hip Goes Down"

"Faraway Eyeglasses"

"Start My Pacemaker Up"

"Time is NOT on My Side"

Posted by John Breneman at 10:51 PM |

May 21, 2012

Mitt endorsed by Joe the CEO

Mitt Romney endorsed by Joe the Plumbing Corp. CEO

Mitt Romney's presidential campaign received a major boost today with an endorsement by an iconic American business executive -- Joe the Plumbing Corp. CEO.

A spokesman for Joe the Plumbing Corp. CEO said he supports Romney's plan to fund tax cuts for the wealthy by cutting programs that help Joe Six-Pack and Jane Lunch-Bucket. He also supports Romney's hard-line stance cracking down on Jose the Illegal Immigrant.

Sources say Joe the Plumbing Corp. CEO is a distant cousin of Joe the Plumber -- a fixture on the 2008 campaign trail as John McCain's favorite metaphor for pandering to the middle class.

Now running for Congress in Ohio, Joe the Plumber is also plugging a book and filming a hip, 1990s-style sitcom called "Flush Prince of Bill Ayers." He's also thinking of actually getting his plumber's license.

Pundits say Romney will soon be announcing new endorsements from Joe the Birther Joe the Eccentric Billionaire and Joe the Wall Steet A-Hole.

RELATED STORY: GOP hires Joe the Carpenter to fix debt ceiling

Posted by John Breneman at 10:54 AM |

May 9, 2012

Romney claims he killed Osama bin Laden

Romney claims he killed Osama bin Laden

One day after taking credit for the recovering U.S. auto industry despite vociferously opposing the plan that spurred its recovery, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is now claiming he killed Osama bin Laden.

The claim spotlights Romney’s long-held commitment to saying absolutely anything – regardless of the truth – to get himself elected. Observers say it also confirms that Romney believes the American electorate is far too ignorant to stop a lying, pandering phony from becoming president.

Explaining that President Obama deserves little credit for killing the al-Qaeda leader because anyone – “even Jimmy Carter” – would have given the order, Romney said: “In fact, I did give the order. Yeah, that’s it. The Navy SEALs were just marvelous. And, of course, we couldn’t have done it without Ted Nugent.”

RELATED OBITUARY: Osama bin Laden, evildoer, 54

Posted by John Breneman at 9:34 AM |

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