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Mitt Romney endorsed by Joe the Plumbing Corp. CEO
Mitt Romney's presidential campaign received a major boost
today with an endorsement by an iconic American business
executive -- Joe the Plumbing Corp. CEO.
spokesman for Joe the Plumbing Corp. CEO said he supports
Romney's plan to fund tax cuts for the wealthy by cutting
programs that help Joe Six-Pack and Jane Lunch-Bucket. He
also supports Romney's hard-line stance cracking down on
Jose the Illegal Immigrant.
Sources say Joe the Plumbing Corp. CEO is a distant cousin
of Joe the Plumber -- a fixture on the 2008 campaign trail
as John McCain's favorite metaphor for pandering to the
middle class.
Now running for Congress in Ohio, Joe the Plumber is also
plugging a book and filming a hip, 1990s-style sitcom called
"Flush Prince of Bill Ayers." He's also thinking
of actually getting his plumber's license.
Pundits say Romney will soon be announcing new endorsements
from Joe the Birther Joe the Eccentric Billionaire and Joe
the Wall Steet A-Hole.
hires Joe the Carpenter to fix debt ceiling
Posted on May 21, 2012 10:54 AM
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