Times leaks Superman’s identity

Posted: July 12th, 2006 under Entries.

NY Times leaks Superman’s identity

John Breneman

The White House today accused the New York Times of treason
for leaking the identity of a key covert operative in America’s
war on terror — Superman.

However, a spokesman for the Times claimed the information
has been declassified since the 1950s, when the link between
a certain mild-mannered newspaper reporter and the erstwhile
Man of Steel was first made public to millions of TV viewers.

In a related development, the Daily Planet is reporting that
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Lois Lane faces possible
prison time for refusing to reveal her source in a story about
Lex Luthor’s efforts to obtain kryptonite yellow cake from

administration says the Times report ruins its plan to have
Superman fly in and fix the mess in Iraq. Clark Kent could
not be reached for comment.

Related story:
spins off Spider-man’s web
— June 29, 2004

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