Swift potato: McCain linked to Potato-Industrial Complex

Posted: October 28th, 2008 under Uncategorized.

potato: McCain linked
to Potato-Industrial Complex

John Breneman

New evidence has emerged linking Republican presidential
nominee John McCain with Canadian-based McCain Foods, the
world’s leading producer of French fries.

group calling itself McCain Lovers For Obama has released
an anti-McCain attack ad charging that Sen. McCain is "in
the pocket of Big Potato," having taken billions from
"the Potato-Industrial Complex."

The ad features two iconic blue-collar voters, Joe Lunch-Bucket
and Tommy Twelve-Pack, discussing their love for McCain while
savoring a plate of McCain crinkle cut French fries.

The ad then blatantly attempts to "Swift Potato"
Sen. McCain with unsubstantiated "Tater-Gate" allegations.

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