Palin parody book drops
NOTE: This summer, some of my Palin writings and videos
drew the attention of an agent who proposed that I write
a Palin humor book timed to coincide with the Nov. 23
release of Sarah’s latest: "America by Heart: Reflections
on Family, Faith and Flag."
Perhaps due to bias in the elite,
liberal publishing industry, the book did not sell. Now
I’ve created The Daily Palin to present the web’s freshest,
funniest Palin humor and sharpest Sarah satire — and
to showcase my blockbuster Sarah parody book: "(Real)
America by Heart: Reflections on (Exploiting) Family,
Faith and Flag (For Fun & Profit)."
* * *
Chapter 1. Going
It’s been a wild two years since we first met Sarah Palin
— the spunky, lunch-bucket, moose-carvin’, Putin-huntin’,
political pitbull hockey mom America never knew it was
waiting for.
flagging campaign against that whippersnapper Obama, John
McCain — distinguished Vietnam War flying ace and self-described
political maverick — went rogue. Or vogue. Or both.
In a breathtaking act of political cunning,
McCain busted out a stunning new running mate — the smart,
beautiful governor of Alaska. A real American dreamboat
who oozed patriotism and family values from every pore.
America, meet Sarah!
Flashbulbs poppin’ on the red, white and blue
Oooh, did you know she was Miss Alaska second
Yes! Love how she tweaked Obama with that
twinkle in her eye.
Who is she wearing?
Gov. Palin won rave reviews on opening night
— Sept. 3, 2008 at the GOP convention in Minnesota. It
was a thrill, baby, thrill!
But when an elderly, cancer-surviving presidential
candidate makes you his pick to run the country if he
should die of a heart attack, ideological leprosy or unmitigated
gallstones — the spotlight can get a little hot. (SEE
VIDEO: Obama lovers for McCain)
Oops. Her daughter’s into teen pregnancy.
Oops. She blanked when Katie
asked what she reads to stay so misinformed.
In debates and interviews, Palin’s winks
and smiles made compelling video but the audio was often
Before you could say "You betcha!"
it was hard to tell the difference between the real Sarah
Palin and Tina Fey’s game-changing "Saturday Night
Live" portrayal of her as a gorgeous igloo-ramus.
Plus, while that hopey-changey Obama jerk
was yapping about bringing everybody together, she was
on him like a pit bull on baby seal — ripping the future
president for "palling
around with terrorists who would target their
own country."
Next stop: Birthers and death
We would soon learn that the bright, earnest
Osama — oopsy, Obama — was actually born either in Kenya,
Indonesia or Nazi Germany. And that he was schooled at
an elite Muslim terror academy where, by the time he reached
sixth grade, he was already hating America at a ninth-grade
level. Bonus: His middle name’s Hussein!
So by the time her stump speeches began
inspiring cries of "treason!" and "kill
him!" Sarah had pretty much knocked any remaining
Palin fence-sitters into one of two camps. Supporters
loved the conserve-a-licious homespun hottie with her
curvy straight talk. Critics dissed her as a dizzy diva,
dangerously unqualified to run the country.
But love or hate her, adore or abhor her,
worship her in-your-face family values or loathe her with
every fiber of your being
whether she sends a tingle
up your spine or the taste of your last meal up your esophagus
(OK, you get the idea) there is universal bipartisan agreement
that Palin is a fascinating public figure — a 21st-century
political rock star with a made-for-TV story.
The politically green, ex-beauty queen from
the Great White North taking the Grand Old Party by storm
— strutting, waving and winking her way down Main Street
toward 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Then parlaying her newfound
fame into fortune as visionary CEO of the multimillion-dollar,
multimedia conglomerate Barracuda Inc.
God bless America.
God bless real America, that is.
In her now-famous "Real
America" speech Oct. 2008 in North Carolina,
Sarah saluted the patriotic, hard-working citizens of
"real America" and educated us on how to tell
the "pro-America areas of this great nation"
from those more likely to be harboring godless Obama-loving
just who is the "real" Sarah Palin?
And is it true she can slaughter a herd
of caribou with just her bare hands and those razor-sharp,
pearly-white teeth?
Many of the answers can be found in her
blockbuster bestseller "Going Rogue" — a book
in which Palin talks so much about God "opening doors"
for her, she makes Him sound a bit like her butler.
More clues are found in her new book, I
mean automatic bestseller, "America by Heart"
— described as a "tribute to American values"
featuring attack essays, moose-innard recipes and love
poems to Ronald Reagan.
(Sources say it is actually the next in
a series of 60 or 70 chart-topping Palin books, with likely
future themes to include vampires, polar bears and left-wing
But Sarah Palin is such a vital and influential
force in shaping our duh-mocracy that we believe it is
our satiric, civic duty to satirize the material she so
generously provides.
whether you find her Alaska drawl melodious or odious,
whether you’re just wild about Sarah or deeply tormented
by the Wasilla Wonder — this is a parody for Palinistas
of all political persuasions, genders and ethnicities,
from right-wing goons to left-wing loons.
A book that both honors and embellishes
her extraordinary, uniquely American journey — from near-Miss
Alaska to her Cinderella-hockey-mom dash for D.C. glory.
Our crack team of investigative satirists
has obtained exclusive documents shedding new light on
how — despite quitting her job as Alaska governor and
transferring power to Tina Fey that in fishy, salmon-swimming-upstream-of-consciousness
resignation speech — her approval rating among her base
still hovers at around 103%. (SATIRE
VIDEO: Palin resigns to spend more time with her money!)
And we break exclusive new theories on why
Sarah Barracuda is so fascinating — and polarizing —
to real Americans everywhere. Why our irrepressible Caribou
Barbie is a spunky, pro-life Mary Tyler Moore to millions
and a white-trash White House wannabe to millions more.
Sure, she’s gorgeous. But she also combines
brazen obliviousness about being in way over her head
with an icy cold, Alaska toughness — exuding a sense
that if you cross her, she’d be equally comfortable gutting
you with an icicle or just shootin’ you in the face, Cheney-style.
next for the Foxy Newsmaker? Smart money says she’ll use
the promotional push behind "America by Heart"
(Saturday’s stop: Des Moines, Iowa) to rev up a real-American
run for the White House. Throw in "Dancing with the
Stars" and her hit reality TV show and Sarah Palin
is white-hot. We’re talkin’ red, white and blue hot!
Fortunately, we’re here to help you make
sense of it all, with our fair and balanced Palinist Manifesto.
* * *
Baby Sarah was born Feb. 11, 1964, in a nondescript manger
in Sandpoint, Idaho, but moved to Alaska just six weeks
later when her parents fled the Gem State to escape the
ever-present threat of socialism.
* * *
The empress strikes back after her North
Korean "allies" flub
VIDEO: Obama sez "Don’t Touch My Junk"
POLITICS: Sarah slams Michelle for trying to keep America’s
children healthy !!