Palin claims 2010 Miss
Information crown !!
Matters — nonprofit watchdog of right-wing misinformation — has named death-panel pitbull Sarah Palin its 2010
Misinformer of the Year.
Officially the Glenn Beck Misinformer of the Year Award,
the honor goes to Palin for another path-illogical year
of distortions and smears. Media Matters cites Palin’s litany
of "factually challenged claims and vicious attacks."
Having already accused President Obama of wanting to kill
her Down syndrome baby (2009) and "palling around with
terrorists" (2008), Palin reloaded and kept blasting
away at the president. But this year she added the first
lady to her crosshairs — taking puzzling
potshots at Michelle Obama’s efforts to fight childhood
Now she can’t even get her story straight about "refudiate."
Palin continued her pioneering work in the field of anti-social
networking — using Facebook and Twitter to deliver barely
coherent, agenda-driven rhetoric directly to the people,
and to shield herself from any potentially embarrassing
contact with the "lamestream" media. "I just
tweet; that’s just the way I roll," Palin
chirped to The New York Times.
But wait, there’s more. She also guns
down a caribou on "Sarah Palin’s Alaska"
— her combination reality show/campaign commercial on steroids
— and on Sunday’s episode she played lumberjack, literally
for future votes with a massive chainsaw.
don’t forget her new book. Chockfull of Obama bombs — plus
she slams
Hillary Clinton for some comment she made in 1992.
It’s all there in "(Real)
America by Heart: Reflections on (Exploiting) Family, Faith
and Flag (For Fun & Profit)."
For the former Miss Wasilla (1984), the Media
Matters crown for 2010 Misinformer of the Year offers
further proof of her flair for political pageantry — taking
its place in her trophy case next to such prestigious titles
as Miss
Adventure, Miss Conduct and Miss Communication.
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