Fox clears Palin
in Arizona massacre, targets left
John Breneman
Sarah Palin’s metaphorical trigger finger reportedly has tested negative
for gunshot residue from the Arizona massacre.
Forensic analysis will reveal that the shooting of U.S.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and slaying of six others was actually
the work of a lone lunatic named Jared Lee Loughner (not
Sarah Palin).
spokesman issued a statement
clarifying that when Palin featured Rep. Giffords and other Democrats
on a hit list, mapped their locations with bullseyes and
urged supporters to "RELOAD," she did not intend
for anyone to literally shoot the evil Dems she had targeted
with crosshairs.
The spokesman explained that while Palin enjoys using
guns-and-ammo imagery to stoke the political climate and
boost her outdoorsy image, she resents having it backfire.
Fox News today officially ruled out Palin as a suspect,
focusing instead on the true villain — the Arizona sheriff
who suggested that hateful political "vitriol"
may have had a role in the massacre.
Issuing a correct but transparently self-serving call for rhetorical restraint
(intended to pre-empt criticism about its own culpability
in the toxic environment), Fox trotted out commentators
to bash anyone raising the obvious question of whether the
visceral political anger cultivated by the right could incite
actual Second Amendment remedies.
Finding itself in the unusual position of tamping down
heated rhetoric rather than stoking it, Fox urged restraint
— suggesting it is wrong to discuss the impact of political
hate speech in America because here is no smoking-gun proof
that Loughner was motivated by political rhetoric.
Party strategist Sal Russo slammed the left as "irresponsible"
for such speculation — irresponsibly speculating that the
shooter was "obviously a left-wing anarchist."
(Russo concluded with a seemingly irrelevant slam against
President Obama for running around "apologizing"
about America. Perhaps due to the solemnity of the situation,
he generously omitted the Nazi president’s penchant for
"palling around with terrorists.")
Another Fox talking head dared Obama to defuse the nasty
political climate that Fox has meticulously cultivated and
exploited — concluding her call for statesmanship by dubbing
the president "a bit of a robot."
Meanwhile, the NRA is gearing up to battle anyone who seeks
to make it harder for mentally deranged people to obtain
semiautomatic weapons. (Look for a sweet new campaign targeting
advocates of more sensible gun laws with crosshairs and
Frum: What Sarah Palin should have said about Tucson shooting