Bush’s CIA switcheroo

Posted: May 8th, 2006 under Uncategorized.

CIA switcheroo

By John Breneman

Heckuva job, Georgie. Looks like another told-you-so moment
for the Bush administration — as the latest of W’s blatantly
cronyesque appointments blows up in his face. It’s the intelligence,
stupid. This just in:

WASHINGTON — President Bush today named Gen. Darth Vader
to head the CIA despite warnings from senior Republican storm
troopers that he was making another boneheaded appointment.

Vader, who favors wiretrapping
the brains of all Americans, may face trouble in Senate confirmation
hearings because Bush has proven himself incapable of making
sensible nominations to any post. (Brownie and Supreme Court
reject Harriet Miers were two of his best.)

In August 2004, Bush picked Rep. Porter Goss to head the
CIA even though Goss’ work providing oversight of the C.I.A.
as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee was deemed
ineffective by the commission investigating the 9/11 attacks.

The Humor Gazette spoke for many voices critical of the Goss
nomination with its headline: "Bush
intelligence decision lacks intelligence."

But you can understand Bush’s thinking at the time. He was
engaged in a tough re-election battle against John Kerry,
and Goss (R-Fla.) had recently denounced Kerry’s intelligence
record on the floor of the House.

Now, just because Goss got squeezed out after weakening the
world’s largest spy agency with cronyism and incompetence
doesn’t mean he has any involvement in the emerging D.C. corruption
and prostitution scandal, according to a high-ranking
GOP hooker
close to the case.

Additional speculation swirls around what kinda medal
Bush has in mind for Gossie.

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