Abner hurt in meth lab blast
By John Breneman
Comic book icon Abner Yokum (aka Li’l Abner) was injured
in a meth lab blast on the outskirts of Dogpatch, Arkansas,
police said.
Sources say the Dogpatch SWAT Team converged on a remote
tarpaper drug laboratory after reports of an explosion and
found Mr. Abner covered in black soot with smoke rising from
his trademark pompadour.
Dogpatch District Attorney Bubba T. Cornpone said Mr. Abner,
who also suffered a stoved-in head and lost three of his four
remaining teeth, has not yet been charged in the incident
pending a full investigation.
Mr. Abner’s attorney said his client, an illiterate professional
mattress tester, "knowed nuthin’ about no drug labber-tory."
Daisy Mae is wanted for questioning but sources say she has
"packed off to Cal-uh-FOR-nee" to pitch her script
for "Li’l Abner: The Movie." Mammy and Pappy Yokum
could not be reached fer comment.
Editor’s note: According to,
"Li’l Abner was the title character in the beloved, long-running
(1934-1977) syndicated newspaper strip by cartoonist Al
Capp. Hardly li’l, Abner was a hulking, naive man-child,
and the frequent foil for Capp’s satiric stories about American
life and politics."
Any connection between the real fictional Li’l
Abner and the fictional Li’l Abner described above is purely