Fake Quotes of Year: 2005
thought it would be a gas."
Prince Harry, attributing his decision to attend a costume
party dressed as a Nazi to a combination of booze, ecstasy
and crack (Jan. 14, "When Harry met Nazi")
Underworld spokesman Scorchy Crisp,
in the Jan. 27 exclusive "Global warming caused by increased
activity in Hell"
guy kills me. Axis of Evil, bring ’em on, dead or alive. He’s
got a million of ’em."
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il,
speaking of President Bush in the Feb. 11 story "Gunfight
at the WMD Corrall."
Patti Arbuckle,
on losing 452 lbs. with The Humor Gazette Diet (Feb. 25)
cows must seek professional help to confront their inner rage."
Dr. Milton Shepherd of the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
commenting in the March 7 story "Mad cows sent to anger
Saddam Hussein, media pundit (March 21)
Heh-heh. You been punk’d."
President Bush to a pack of slack-jawed media jackals
(April 1, "President ‘punked’ press, public with Iraq
Wak-Jaab al-Jalopy,
describing how their fanatically anti-American education
has left many Muslim extremists hopelessly stupid (July 22)
why they call him
al Qaeda’s ‘number-two man’ — because he’s a cowardly piece
of (bleep)."
FBI spokesman John Doe,
speaking of Ayman al-Zawahiri after the terror leader released
a videotaped message (Aug. 5)
get me started on Allah. I’m going to make him an offer he
can’t refuse."
Rev. Pat Robertson,
aka "The Sermonator"
(Aug. 29)
pump price for unleaded has increased the cost of pumping
a punk full of lead."
Noted gangland economist Notorious S.T.P.,
commenting on the Sept. 9 story "Gas prices impact ‘drive-by’
Ward O’DeLord, PR spokesman for God
("God announces plan to cut non-essential humans,"
Sept. 26)
"Bob" al-Zarqawi,
younger brother of terrorist dickhead
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (Nov. 25)
am Saddam.
Saddam I am.
I do not like
green eggs and ham."
Saddam Hussein,
pleading insanity (Nov. 28)
cheeks were totaled in the attack. Those wolverines really
wrecked ’em."
Dr. Francois Butay,
French ass transplant surgeon (Dec. 5)
Real Quotes of the Year: 2005
think about Iraq every day."
President Bush (June 20)
you’re doin’ a heck of a job."
President Bush (Sept. 2)