Gazette targeted by extremist hate speech
Bush Comic Critics: White |
By John Breneman
The Humor Gazette has learned that the Humor Gazette has
been targeted by a right-ring republofascist hate group for
its apparently rage-inducing
criticism of President Bush.
Publisher Arturo DiMaunchie confirmed that the influential
satire publication received an email containing the words
"strap a bomb to yourself" and "you fucking
A person identifying himself as "(Flaming Douchebag)"
claimed responsibility for the mini-manifesto. Authorities
are withholding the actual name of the perpetrator pending
a probe by the Department of Poetic Justice. The full text
of the message is printed below:
why don’t you just strap a bomb to yourself and go blow
up a bunch of innocent people. obviously you sympathize with
Islamofacists, so why not adopt the same tactics.
You fucking asshole.
Publisher DiMaunchie said he fortified security at Humor
Gazette headquarters in Manhattan and its satellite offices
in Los Angeles, Islamabad and Gaza. He said the company also
has taken the precaution of hiring a middle-school kid to
screen its mail for anthrax.
DiMaunchie vowed that the Humor Gazette will not "cut
and run" from its mission of poking fun at President
Bush and his misleadership. A source close to the guy who
screens all media for Bush and gives him a daily 25-word synopsis
said the president welcomes constructive criticism and often
chokes on a pretzel laughing at Humor Gazette headlines. (The
"endorsed" Bush in August 2004.)
from an undisclosed location, DiMaunchie said: "We will
stay the course because the world must be made safe for irreverent,
even subversive humor. Anything less would be a shot to the
groin of the First Amendment and a victory for the satire-haters."
Here is the offending commentary: Bush
flees to Asia — Nov. 14, 2005
EDITOR’S NOTE: The first comment below is the
text of another recent message from an agitated reader. This
guy is fairly reasonable in presenting an opposing perspective
(which I encourage and appreciate), yet he can’t resist belittling
me as a "simpleton" (which I suppose, arguably,
I am).
I’ve never fully understood the personal attack stuff coming
from readers who disagree with the ideas presented, though
I do find most of it hilarious and believe it reveals much
more about the writer than his/her intended target. Your thoughts?