Revisionist History — Sept. 2

Posted: September 2nd, 2007 under Uncategorized.


John Breneman

Birthday fugitive Whitey
marks his 78th tomorrow by continuing his 13-year
game of hide ‘n’ seek with the FBI. There’ll be cake (vanilla
with vanilla frosting) and, if you wanna make a fast million,
just find out the undisclosed location of the Pale One’s birthday
bash and drop a dime to the feds.

The scavenger hunt for the notorious Hub gangster — who
disappeared in 1994, wanted for at least 18 murders — has
included Bulger "sightings" all over the world.
In fact, the No. 4 thug on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list
was last seen on the big screen, where he was played by Jack
in "The Departed."

So, where’s
Rumor is he’s holed up in Hollywood, pitching
scripts to Hub homeys Ben Affleck ("Gone Whitey
Gone") and Matt Damon ("The Bulger Ultimatum").

Actor Keanu Reeves turns 43 today. Having starred
in flicks called "My Own Private Idaho" and "Feeling
Minnesota," he’s now being eyed to play Sen. Larry
, the disgraced Idaho pol fingered for perversion
in a Minnesota men’s room.

And happy 41st to Salma Hayek. After her success as
executive producer of Emmy-winning "Ugly Betty,"
her next project is a sitcom based on a bisexual, Communist
Mexican painter with a unibrow, "Ugly Frida."

On this day in 1901 at the Minnesota State Fair, Vice President
Theodore Roosevelt uttered his famous phrase, "Speak
softly and carry a big rocket-propelled grenade launcher."

Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh died at age 79 on
this day in 1969, leaving his heirs a napalm war with the
world’s leading superpower and a stake in his beloved basketball
team, the Ho Chi Minh Trailblazers.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury was founded on
this day in 1789, with strict instructions to try to keep
the federal deficit under $9 trillion.

On this day in 1969, Rockville Center, N.Y., became the site
of America’s first automatic teller machine, a bulky
contraption that dispensed a free toaster to the first 100

Sixty-three years ago today, Navy pilot George H.W. Bush
was bailed out of his burning plane after being hit while
bombing Japanese targets. Nearly 30 years later, his son George
was hiding from Vietnam in the Texas Air National Guard
when he, too, got bombed and bailed out.

on this day in 1945, Japan surrendered aboard the battleship
USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay in exchange for a moratorium on
U.S. mushroom clouds and a jobs program for displaced kamikaze

Related story:
nominated for Purple Chin award
May 30, 2004

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