Saluting AmeriCone Dream

Posted: October 9th, 2007 under Uncategorized.

Buck Teefus
salutes Stephen Colbert’s
AmeriCone Dream ice cream

Editor’s note: My friend Billy Buck Teefus — American
redneck savant — is passionate about Stephen Colbert’s AmeriCone
Dream ice cream. Read his testimonial below or WATCH

Yep, Billy Buck Teefus here – American redneck savant
– singin’ the praises of the most patriotic product ya
hard-earned money can buy – Stephen Colbert’s AmeriCone
Dream ice cream.

Nation – either you’s with Stephen Colbert and his America-made,
freedom-lovin’ ice cream er you’s with the terrorists.

right. A patriotic American who ain’t eatin’ Stephen Colbert’s
ice cream? … why, that’d be like a presidential candidate
walkin’ around without a little American flag pin on his lapel.

Or badmouthin’ the troops by saying we oughta bring ’em home.

What kinda latte-drinkin’, socialized-medicine wantin’, unnecessary
war-hatin’ sumbitch would refuse to buy a product that has
red and white United States flag stripes right on the box?
Bunch of anti-AmeriCone terrorist sympathizers, that’s who.

You know who hates this stuff? Iranian President Mahmoud

Ima-make-sure-ain’t-nobody-can-eat-AmeriCone Dream-after-dinner-jad.

This is Billy Buck Teefus here to tell ya to hustle on out
to the corner store and git yerself a tub of Stephen Colbert’s
AmeriCone Dream.

Why, every bite is chockful of chocolate fudge, gooey caramel
‘n’ sweet truthiness.

Billy Buck Teefus
American redneck savant
also appears in:

to tell if yer president is a redneck

Home Shopping Channel

gits Tasered

Buck Teefus vs. O.J. Simpson


AND "The
Colbert Report"

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