Bush: Best orator ever?

Posted: January 15th, 2007 under Uncategorized.

Critics praise President
‘breathing space’ for Iraq speech

John Breneman

President George W. Bush’s historic Jan. 10 call to send
more young Americans to their deaths in order to give the
Iraqi government some
"breathing space"
was yet another spellbinding
piece of oratory.

But when future generations assess the legacy of our silver-tongued
leader, they will look first to several more memorable addresses.

For example, who could forget President Bush’s rollicking
attempt to use standup
to make the terrorists stand down, his encore three months
later as commander-in-cheek, or his March 2006 pledge that America can only
fail in Iraq if we "lose
our nerve"

And, of course, many historians believe the Rev. Martin Luther
King’s stirring "I have a dream" rhetoric will one
day be obscured by Mr. Bush’s now-legendary "I
think about Iraq every day"
speech of June
20, 2005

Asked what he thought of Dick Cheney’s load of bull about
the insurgency being in its "last throes" when violence
there is actually increasing, the president disarmed the blatantly
anti-patriotic question by saying, "I think about Iraq
every day — every single day."

As the world heaved a great sigh of relief to learn that
the man who started the war actually finds time to mull it
over each day, Bush shoveled on even more reassurance by saying,
"I understand we have troops in harm’s way…"

Critics said then that Bush’s keen understanding of the fact
that he is getting people killed "every day" suggested
he might be adopting a more realistic view of Iraq than that
laid out in his now-historic "Mission

The president revealed that not only does he think about
his own personal Iraqi hellhole "every single day,"
he admitted that some days he thinks of it two or three times.
Maybe even half a dozen times on Monday after the weekend
death toll numbers come in.

A White House memo obtained by IBS News confirmed that some
random thought or another about Iraq crept into the president’s
brain 57 times so far this month alone. Sources say that early
on in the war, President Bush occasionally forgot to think
about Iraq until Condoleezza Rice gave him a string to wear
on his finger.

Fortunately, President Bush also realizes that the fate of
the world rests with his ability to not accidentally destroy
it, a fact he articulated brilliantly in his memorable Oct.
3, 2004, "Bein’
president is hard work"

The hard work can range from pronouncing wacky names like
to deftly fielding trick questions as
he did April 14, 2004, in his inspirational "I’m
sure something will pop into my head"

Many veteran Bush watchers give the president high marks
for his provocative "breathing space" address, but
most agree it will be difficult for him to surpass the startling
audacity of his March 26, 2004, comic bomb — the spine-tickling
oratory of "Those
WMDs must be around here somewhere."

2004 flashback:
Aug. 27, 2004

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