Edwards flip-flops on infidelity issue

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flip-flops on infidelity issue

John Breneman

Swanky ex-presidential candidate John Edwards is drawing
fire from critics accusing him of flip-flopping on the issue
of whether or not he had an extramarital affair.

"First he swears he didn’t have an affair. Then he claims
he did," said Sen. David Vitter (R-La.). "What the
heck are we supposed to believe?"

Edwards now admits to getting buck wild with Rielle Hunter,
a woman he hired to "make videos" for his presidential

Hunter is now sporting a love child, but Edwards says he
is willing to take a paternity test to clear his sperm of
any wrongdoing.

Despite the controversy, Edwards said he still believes his
own rhetoric about two Americas. "Yeah, there’s America
the country and there’s America Ferrera, that ‘Ugly Betty’
actress I totally did not tag even though my wife’s cancer
was in remission."

He also admitted to sometimes feeling "egotistical and
narcissistic" when gazing at himself in the mirror after
one of those sweet $800 haircuts.

Edwards’ confessions, following a wee-hours hotel rendezvous
with the National Enquirer-arazzi, gives added credence to
that publication’s reports that John McCain had an affair
with Paris Hilton space aliens are secretly ruining the economy.

In other news:

Bush sends troops to Georgia, vows
Russia will never take Atlanta

Comments (0) Aug 14 2008

Cereal thrillers: Celtics

Posted: under Uncategorized.

thrillers: Celtics go for endorsement green

By John Breneman

Bust out the milk! Celtics superstar Kevin Garnett is the
new poster boy for Wheaties — breakfast of NBA champions!

Friendly millionaires like KG know that winning a world title
can do wonders for their earning potential. But what about
some endorsement greenbacks for the rest of the Glorious Green

The Celtics are all about the shamrocks and leprechauns.
So don’t be surprised to see Paul Pierce’s smiling
mug turn up on boxes of Lucky Charms after his “magically
delicious” MVP performance against the Lakers. Terms
of the deal were not disclosed, but imaginary sources say
Pierce will earn at least several pots o’ gold.

Doc Rivers is not a real doctor. But after taking a flaccid
Celtics squad and restoring its confidence and manhood (makers
of male-enhancement pharmaceuticals take note) he would be
an ideal spokes-Doc for Viagra.

can Celtics reserve P.J. Brown do for you? Hub fans know this
guy can really deliver; if they’re smart, so do the advertising
honchos at UPS.

Ray Allen — after getting poked in the left cornea during
Game 6 — reportedly is eyeing a deal with Visine. The Green
three-point monster will tell consumers that Visine really
“gets the red out,” any time you get raked in the
face by a 6-foot-10, 230-pound assailant.

It’s location, location, location for new Century 21
real estate pitchman Eddie House. And Glen “Big Baby” Davis may soon be elbowing
the iconic Gerber bambino from his job as spokes-infant for
strained peas and applesauce.

No such luck for the Lakers. But following his humorous Game
4 recap (“We just wet the bed”), Kobe Bryant may
soon be doing commercials for a new line of jock-strap diapers
from the makers of Depends.


humorist makes Wheaties box

fans bid curse adieu

(Sox celebrate 2004 championship on Opening Day ’05)

Comments (0) Jun 25 2008

World premiere: ‘The Stag Hunt’

Posted: under Uncategorized.

World premiere: "The Stag Hunt"

(Note: Think deep-voiced movie announcer)

From the DaVinci-esque creator of the "Norman Rockwell
Code" and the visionary videographer who my wife duped
into shooting videos for her super-fabulous fashion blog (Runway
) — a dramatic, enigmatic new blockbuster …
"The Stag Hunt"!

That’s right film fans, our friend Jeff
(Dover, N.H-based cinematographer extraordinaire)
has hooked up with writer/director Alfred Thomas Catalfo and
an all-star filmmaking team in this 21-minute, "Hitchcockian

And the world
is tomorrow night at the Boston International Film
Festival! The screening — Wednesday, June 11, 6 p.m. at the
Loews/AMC Theater at Boston Common, 175 Tremont St. — will
be followed by a Q&A.

out the trailer.
It looks hip and edgy, cool and
cerebral, with pistols blazing and talk of "probability
theory" and "quantum mechanics."

And if the voice that opens the trailer sounds familiar,
that’s because it’s Steve Zirnkilton, the actual guy who does
the opening voice-over on (chung-chung) "Law & Order"!!

Produced by Marc A. Dole and presented by Left Bank Films,
"The Stag Hunt" also has been selected for the Long
Island International Film Expo (screening July 14 in Bellmore,
Long Island).

It was filmed locally, including a tense, action-packed airport
sequence at Pease Tradeport. Here’s a piece spotlighting Writer-director
Catalfo and the film in Portsmouth Magazine.

Catalfo also collaborated with producer Dole, founder and
CEO of Portsmouth-based Hatchling
, on a smash, 35-minute "DaVinci
Code" spoof
called "The Norman Rockwell
Code." Roll
the trailer.

Based on the trailer alone — slick, well-produced, with
crisp dialogue — my wife is nominating "The Stag Hunt"
for a 2008 Debbie Award. Congratulations to Jeff (director
of photography) and his colleagues on what looks like a fantastic

Comments (0) Jun 10 2008

N.H. bum Gangrene Willie begging for change in ’08

Posted: under Uncategorized.

bum Gangrene Willie begging for change in ’08

Undecided New Hampshire hobo Gangrene Willie describes his
desperate need for change in this exclusive
13 O’Clock News video

Related story:
Poll shows 100% of bums want change

Comments (0) Jan 16 2008

Poll: 100% of bums want change

Posted: under Uncategorized.

poll: 100% of bums want change

John Breneman

A new poll reveals that a vast majority of the nation’s bums
will vote for the presidential candidate who promises them
the most change. (WATCH

"I keep hearing this election is about change,"
said Tuberculosis Einstein, a veteran Oklahoma panhandler
occasionally seen outside a 7-Eleven in Arkansas, Virginia,
Massachusetts, Florida, Delaware and North Dakota.

"I need change. Everybody I know needs change,"
added Gimme Two-Bits, a longtime collector of both vintage
and modern coins.

"I been looking for change every day — for as long
as I can remember," said Dunno Alzheimer, who boasted
that he hadn’t changed his clothes in 41 years.

"Them Democrats mentioned ‘change’ 103 times at a debate
in New Hampshire. That’s a good sign," said Gangrene
Willie, an undecided vagabond who slept under a Clinton sign
last night but plans to back Huckabee in South Carolina, then
catch a westbound boxcar to vote Obama in Alabama.

show many street-level tramps are concerned about health care.
But not Wheezy Marlboro or Bloodclots Washington. They just
want change.

And some bums say they are troubled by the slumping cardboard
housing market. Not Subprime Morty. His #1 issue is change.

Two-Nickels Roosevelt confided that he, too, is passionate
about change.

"I’m serious," he gasped. "Please give me
some goddamn change."

Pundits say the hobo demographic will be vital to the 2008
election — widespread talk of change will draw record numbers
of bums to the polls, causing presidential candidates to pander
to the panhandlers.

Comments (0) Jan 10 2008

Mitt has a dream

Posted: under Uncategorized.

a dream

By John Breneman

Mitt Romney has a dream.

He dreamed he saw his father march arm-in-arm with the Rev.
Martin Luther King.

And he dreams of an America where millions of illegal brown
men will march back to Mexico, even the ones who maintained
his yard and tennis court.

Mitt Romney has a dream that he will be judged not by promises
he made a few years ago about abortion and gay rights, but
by what political ambition causes him to claim he believes

He dreams that Americans will find him so dreamy they won’t
even notice that he’ll say virtually anything — anything
at all — to realize his dream of becoming president.

And he has a dream that he will be judged not for failing
to protest his beloved Mormon religion’s racist ban on black
priests, but for his phony claim to have a personal connection
to America’s greatest civil rights leader.

Religious Romney has a dream that Christian voters will judge
him not by the fact that his great grandfather Miles Park
Romney had five fives, but by his suggestion that churchgoers
are more worthy Americans because "freedom requires religion."

Terror-fighting Romney has a dream that he will be judged
not by his statement that he’d let the lawyers decide whether
to attack Iran, but by the false strength he sought to project
by boasting that he’s itching to "double Guantanamo."

Pro-Iraq Romney has a dream that one day his five strapping
sons will be judged not by the color of the military uniforms
they choose not to wear, but by the content of their character
as loyal Romney ’08 foot soldiers.

To realize his dream, Romney’s oratorical strategy is to
let fabrications ring.

Let fiction ring … from the fertile plains of Iowa (where
he spent much of his term as absentee governor of Massachusetts)
to the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire (where the Concord
Monitor published an editorial warning voters that Mitt Romney
is a handsome, charismatic "phony").

Despite having been hunting just two times, when Romney saw
a man with an NRA cap on April 3 in Keene, N.H., he couldn’t
help telling him, "I’ve been a hunter pretty much all
my life."

Let fiction ring.

When asked an embarrassing question by Rudy Giuliani at the
Nov. 28 CNN/YouTube debate — "You did have illegal immigrants
working at your mansion, didn’t you?" — Romney started
his spin with the blatant untruth, "No, I did not."

Let fiction ring.

Yes, Mitt Romney has a dream. The ultimate politician’s dream
— of saying all the right things to all the right voters,
of getting elected by any means necessary.

The above column appeared in the Dec. 30 Boston
Sunday Herald

Comments (0) Dec 30 2007

Welcome to Humor Gazette Theater!

Posted: under Uncategorized.

to Humor Gazette Theater!

Today’s feature presentation is "Mohammed
the Teddy Bear,"
a visionary 33-second production
from an unknown teddy bear at an undisclosed location.

We’re just getting started in the movie business and you
can find our flicks at these locations on FunnyOrDie.com
(run by Will Ferrell and friends), Metacafe.com
and, of course, YouTube.

Recent features include:

Wounded in the War on Christmas"

Buck Teefus’ Redneck Christmas Album"


Blessing from Rev. Sinnerman"

Blessing from Billy Buck Teefus"

Blessing from Ozzy Osbourne"

to tell if yer president is a redneck"

Buck Teefus: When O.J. Attacks"

Home Shopping Channel"

Comments (0) Dec 05 2007

Pakistan: (Animal) House arrest for Bluto

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Pakistan protesters rally behind Bluto

John Breneman

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf today put opposition
leader Benazir Bluto on double secret probation.

Bluto is accused of inciting pro-democracy food fights and
an anti-Musharraf plot involving 10,000 marbles.

Musharraf, sharply criticized for placing his country under
emergency rule Nov. 3, issued a statement evoking the words
of the infamous American disciplinarian Dean Vernon Wormer:

"There is a little-known codicil in the Faber College/Pakistan
Constitution which gives the Dean/Dictator unlimited power
to preserve order in time of campus/national emergency."

The beloved, hard-drinking Bluto — a distant cousin of former
Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto — is now said to be organizing
a massive toga protest.

Related stories:
denies nuke-u-lar ambitions
June 5, 2006

Qaeda reports declining revenues in fiscal ’06

Dec. 29, 2006

Comments (0) Nov 16 2007

Sen. Craig’s not-gay agenda

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Exclusive: Sen. Larry Craig’s I’m-not-gay

John Breneman

After pinky-swearing to Matt Lauer that he is sooo not gay,
Sen. Larry Craig got right back to congressional business
– coming out in favor of stiff penal action for moral
degenerates and hammering out anti-bondage legislation with
the minority whip.

Craig, busted in June for trying to beef up his staff in
an airport bathroom, has been waging a valiant one-man campaign
to prove he is not gay.

The Idaho Republican told NBC’s Lauer he is not bisexual,
hates "gladiator politics" and only uses bathrooms
"for bathroom’s sake" – never for indulging
the whims of his inner Village Person.

Asked why, in a restroom known as a hot spot for soliciting
gay sex, he repeated a sequence of signals used by men to
solicit gay sex, Craig chuckled that he was just trying to
get some toilet paper off his shoe.

Lauer noted that the restroom’s shady reputation was no secret
on the Internet, but Craig – a member of the Congressional
Internet Caucus – said he could not have known that because
he has "never used the Internet."

As proof of Craig’s vigorous stance against immorality, supporters
point to his 1999 remarks calling adulterous President Bill
Clinton "a nasty, bad, naughty boy."

The Humor Gazette has obtained an exclusive copy of Craig’s
itinerary for today:

6:15 am — Think up new batch of excuses to avoid
marital relations with Mrs. C.

6:45 — Watch favorite Richard Simmons workout video.

7:20 — Delete e-mail conversations with Rep. Mark
Foley, Rev. Ted Haggard and the gang.

— Cancel most recent XXXL order from Victoria’s Secret.

8:15-9 — Mandatory "family values" time
with the wife.

9:30 — Meet with interior designer to redecorate
bedroom closet.

10:00 — Bathroom break.

10:15 — Antiquing with Philip and Tayshawn.

12 noon — Lunch with Liza Minnelli’s ex, David Gest,
for tips on convincing people you’re not gay.

1:15 pm — Contact New York Times for price info on
full-page "I am not gay" ad.

1:45 — Cancel VIP Gold membership at Stallions.

2:00 — Return all those campaign contributions from

2:15 — Bathroom break.

2:45 — Schedule cosmetic surgery to have Romney campaign
bus tracks removed from buttocks.

3-3:05 — Set aside time to work on actual Senate

3:15 — Quietly find private-sector jobs for Senate
staffers Dick Johnson and Julius T. Hunk.

3:45 — Pedicure and bikini wax at Chez Maurice.

4:30 — Leak compromising Craig-Romney bearhug photographs
to the media.

4:45 — Bathroom break.

5:30 — Invite media to daily "I am not gay –
I have never been gay" press conference.

6:45 — Watch "Brokeback Mountain" again;
work on note to Heath and Jake.

Comments (0) Oct 18 2007