Moron of the Year

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Buck Teefus named ‘Moron of the Year’

John Breneman

A dim-witted Arkansas man has been named 2005 Moron of the
Year by the Nimrod Foundation.

The coveted aluminum-foil dunce cap this year goes to Billy
Buck Teefus, a retired beer inspector now living off settlement
money from Craftsman, whose table saw robbed him of two fingers
and the ability to count to 10.

Recent past winners include a pyramid-scam victim, a bullet-riddled
gun enthusiast and a bumbling commander-in-chief.

The bipartisan anti-think tank lauded Teefus as "a true
imbecile," calling him "a prodigious intellect,
not" and "a living, mouth-breathing monument to
stone-cold stupidity."

Teefus — whose qualifications include burning his trailer
down while trying to cook possum steaks with a welding torch
and his unshakable belief that 2 + 2 equals "elevendy-seven"
— thanked his mother for his three years of home schooling
and for smoking and drinking so heavily during his time in
her "belly."

The prize comes with a magnum of Milwaukee’s Best champagne,
a fistful of scratch tickets and courtside seats for his favorite
basketball team, the Appalachian Trail-Blazers.


magazine names top 50 pretty people
April 30,

sues reality show ‘Hostile Makeover’
Oct. 12,

Comments (0) Dec 26 2005

Twelve Days of (Gangsta) Christmas

Posted: under Uncategorized.

"The Twelve Days of (Gangsta) Christmas"

By John and Debbie Breneman

the first day of Christmas,
my bee-yatch gave to me
A cartridge and a Uzi.

On the second day of Christmas,
my homegirl gave to me
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

On the third day of Christmas,
my shorty gave to me
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

On the fourth day of Christmas,
the old lady gave to me
Four silver rims,
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

On the fifth day of Christmas,
My bizzle gave to me
Four silver rims,
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

the sixth day of Christmas,
my hoodrat gave to me
Six guns a-slaying,
Four silver rims,
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

On the seventh day of Christmas,
Baby mama gave to me
Seven diamonds blinging,
Six guns a-slaying,
Four silver rims,
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

the eighth day of Christmas,
my coochie gave to me
Eight-ball o’ cocaine,
Seven diamonds blinging,
Six guns a-slaying,
Four silver rims,
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

On the ninth day of Christmas,
My she-thang gave to me
Nine strippers dancing,
Eight-ball o’ cocaine,
Seven diamonds blinging,
Six guns a-slaying,
Four silver rims,
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

the tenth day of Christmas,
Takwonda gave to me
Ten bags o’ reefer,
Nine strippers dancing,
Eight-ball o’ cocaine,
Seven diamonds blinging,
Six guns a-slaying,
Four silver rims,
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

On the eleventh day of Christmas,
my skeezer gave to me
Eleven crack-pipers piping.
Ten bags o’ reefer,
Nine strippers dancing,
Eight-ball o’ cocaine,
Seven diamonds blinging,
Six guns a-slaying,
Four silver rims,
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
Twelve Hummers humming.
Eleven crack-pipers piping.
Ten bags o’ reefer,
Nine strippers dancing,
Eight-ball o’ cocaine,
Seven diamonds blinging,
Six guns a-slaying,
Four silver rims,
’03 pimped-out Benz,
Two bloody gloves,
And a cartridge and a Uzi.

See also:

Comments (0) Dec 23 2005

Ernie Breneman (1929-2005)

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Ernest S. Breneman
May 29, 1929 — December 21,

My dad died this morning. He nurtured his family in so many
ways, encouraged me to follow my dream of writing and came
up with the idea, 21 years ago, that I might become a journalist.
Below are two items I wrote for him on Father’s Day, in 1991
and 1999.   —   John Breneman

Father’s advice to son is ‘write

By John Breneman

I’m in the newspaper business today thanks to the nurturing
influence of a very wise gentleman. Nelson Mandela. Wait no,
I’m just kidding. Somewhere along the line I became a pathological
jokester. Let me start again.

in the newspaper business today thanks to the nurturing influence
of a very wise gentleman. My dad.

Back in ’83 I obtained a degree in that most marketable of
subjects — philosophy. But other than a cross-country adventure
with a childhood friend, I didn’t exactly have my future mapped

I knew I didn’t want to be a Maytag man, a pentium chip magnate,
or a sea urchin monger. And I was ill-suited for any position
requiring a fancy jacket and decorative noose (aka tie).

Though I had enjoyed many a rollicking game of cops and robbers
as a youth, I was not gunning for a career busting bad guys
or pulling bank jobs.

I was not cut out to be a butcher or a brain surgeon. Professional
soybean farming was not a field I was inclined to pursue.
And I just didn’t think I had what it took to become a systems
analyst, forensic scientist or Triple Action Gold Bond Powder

I was a human resource without a cause. In what I now recognize
as a desperate cry for help, I actually took a seminar from
some people who wanted to make money by having me sell mutual
funds to my closest friends. Then I got caught up briefly
in some scam involving solar panels.

I was anxious to begin making my humble contribution to the
Gross National Product, but I didn’t picture myself toiling
for Eastman Kodak, Chuck E Cheese or Bristol-Myers Squibb.
The $20,000 question –"What are you going to do with
your life?" — loomed large.

I didn’t know. But somehow, my dad did.

And so it came to pass that my dad, who knew that I liked
to write, offered unto his first-born a few simple words of
fatherly occupational therapy.

He said, "Get a job, you lousy bum!" Whoops, kidding
again. What he really said was, "Why don’t you go up
and talk to the lady who runs the York Weekly?"

Hmmm. I did and, soon after, my first byline appeared in
my hometown paper — a preview of the 1984 York Wildcats track
season. It’s a collector’s item now, selling for as much as
18 cents on the eBay online auction house.

Fast-forward 20 years from my pop’s ink-stained epiphany,
and now I’m in charge of a pretend newspaper called the Humor
Gazette. This means that when momentous occasions like Father’s
Day roll around, it is my sworn duty to concoct some meaningful

And so the topic of the day is fathers. My particular dad
(I’ll call him Ernie because that’s his name) just turned
70 and I think he’s glad I didn’t follow his footsteps into
the coal mines of western Pennsylvania.

There I go joking around again. I wonder where I get that.
(Chief suspects: a 70-year-old male caucasian whose street
name is "Ernie" and his longtime accomplice, "Jill.")

My dad was a self-described "Depression Baby,"
a term he often invoked when making us clean all the food
off our plates. At one time he was a dashing young Air Force
pilot and today I would like to salute him. I just hope he
doesn’t mind me teasing him about the smoking.

For years he worked as a big-time adman in a Pittsburgh skyscraper
that I remember being awed by when he brought me there for
a visit. He fondly recalls that the job required exhilarating
bursts of creativity, but he tired of the corporate rat race
around ’72 and shucked it all to move his family up to a little
place called York, Maine.

It was one of the most important decisions of his life, and
he nailed it. To this day, I and my brother and sister thank
him on bended knee. He brought us to the ocean. He brought
us home.

My dad is the man and I love him more than I could ever say.
Fortunately, he was never big on those "when I was your
age" speeches. You know the ones: The old-timer tells
how in order to get to school each day he had to crawl 14
miles on his belly through the jungles of Vietnam, swim through
a boiling tar pit teeming with leeches and piranhas, and then
pole vault over a barbed-wire electric fence to beat the first-period
bell at 4:45 a.m.

But he did teach me a thing or two. Stuff like:

* Keep your eye on the ball to prevent unpleasant facial

* Wait at least 30 minutes after eating lemon meringue pie
before scuba diving for pirate treasure in the York River.

* Avoid uneccesary contact with muggers, murderers and manslaughterers.

* Don’t smoke cigarettes; and stand at attention when the
surgeon general is talking to you.

* Birds and bees have absolutely nothing to do with sex.

* Nuclear weapons are not toys.

Also this: Family values are cool. You can do anything you
set your mind to. And, for goodness sake, utilize personal
hygiene products every so often.

Humor Gazette editor John Breneman also answers to the
name Ernie Jr.


Comments (0) Dec 21 2005

Gazette adds HumorFeed ‘TICKER’

Posted: under Uncategorized.

just in:

ticker featured
atop Humor Gazette Page One

The Humor Gazette has reached a multi-year deal with
to display its eye-catching, side-splitting, knee-slapping
"TICKER" at the top of Page One.

The terms of the agreement could not be disclosed due to
the FCC regulations and the Patriot Act but media analysts speculate
it could be upwards of $1.6 killion, along with an "under
the table" exchange of non-monetary assets like a tin
filled with shiny beads, a milk-producing llama and several
cases of absinthe and aged scotch.

editor John Breneman said the influential satire e-newspaper
selected the HumorFeed ticker over many worthy competitors,
including the New York Times, AP, CNN, Reuters and Enlarge
Your Penis.

HumorFeed proprietor E.F. Watley stated: "We are not
Surprised that the Estimable Mr. Breneman has once More demonstrated
a most excellent and rarified Sophistication in selecting
the Humor-Feed over less Wholesome competitors!"

has been described by media expert Paris Hilton as "a
thinking person’s unique and selective association of satire
sites offering premier daily content and juicy, side-splitting

is hot," added Hilton, one of long list of celebrity
fans that includes Britney
, Tom
, the late Yasser
, lovebirds Angelina
and Kim Jong Il
and, of course, Jacko.

The Gazette was recently lauded by Dr. Phil, Dr. Dre and
Dr. Kevorkian for its explosive medical scoop "French
doctors perform first ass transplant"
and has
been nominated for a 2005
Political Dot-Comedy Award for "Best Satirical News."

HumorFeed’s Watley — who recently added the work of satire
pioneers Jonathan
and Benjamin
to the site — also put in a plug for the first-ever
Satire News Competition,"
in which an esteemed
panel of humorists and journalists selects the best member
story from 2005.

Comments (0) Dec 20 2005

Al Qaeda reports declining revenues in fiscal ’05

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Al Qaeda introduces
new line of merchandise

Al Qaeda reports declining revenues
in fiscal ’05

By John Breneman

Al Qaeda Inc. (NYSE: AQI) reported a 3.6% drop in revenues
for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2005, but an annual report
released today assures shareholders that senior-level executives
remain committed to their bid for a hostile takeover of humanity.

While the international terrorist consortium boasted a modest
2.6% increase in "infidel slayings," it also acknowledged
increasing difficulty filling entry-level suicide bomber positions.
Sources say the company may begin farming out low-level belt-bomb
jobs to migrant workers from Taiwan and Mexico.

The report also noted that Al Qaeda’s policy of indiscriminately
blowing up innocent Iraqi woman and children may be hurting
its public image.

A key part of its cost-cutting strategy for 2006 includes
trimming the number of virgins promised to martyrs in the
afterlife as part of their pension plans. So instead of being
greeted in the great beyond by 72 nubile sluts, company suicide
bombers might instead get three Baghdad opium ho’s and a bisexual

Finally, to boost revenue Al Qaeda has unveiled a new product
line just in time for Christmas and Kwanzaa.

Items include T-shirts ("Coed Naked Suicide Bombers"
and "Martyrs Do It in the Afterlife"), toy suicide
belts for "Lil’ Terrorists" and an Allah action
figure with Kung Fu grip.

Editor’s note: Thanks to your support, the
Humor Gazette has been nominated for a 2005 Political Dot-Comedy
Award for "Best Satirical News." This historic election
could shape the future of satire and First Amendment tomfoolery
 : )     

Comments (0) Dec 19 2005

Hussein dope-slapped in Iraq election

Posted: under Uncategorized.

dope-slapped in Iraq election

By John Breneman

Baath Party dirtbag Saddam Hussein garnered just 12 write-in
votes in yesterday’s historic election, as voters rejected
his pledge to trim federal spending on rape rooms and his
campaign slogan "No new genocides."

The election results won’t be known for about two weeks as
the nation slaps together a Supreme Court to rule on who won.
But FOX News has already scooped rival networks by being the
first to declare President George W. Bush the big winner.

Geopolitical pundits are calling the vote a triumphant
milestone in Iraq’s violent transition to an Islamocratic
form of government, and a mandate for President Bush’s crusade
to rid the world of non-democracy.

"Mohammed Q. Public and Jamal Lunch-Bucket have sent
a clear message that they want freedom, especially freedom
of the press," said Baghdad Gazette editor Asshat Jumanji.
The lead story by Staff Sgt. Jeff Gannon carried the headline
"Bush and U.S. liberators praised for bringing democracy
to Iraq."

Others receiving write-in votes for the Iraqi parliament:
Slobodan Milosevic, Kareem
Abdul Jabbar
and Jacko.

Comments (0) Dec 16 2005

Bush eyes Santa for Cabinet post

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Bush eyes Santa for Cabinet post

By John Breneman

With Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld rumored
to be on the way out, President Bush reportedly is eyeing
a universally respected figure for a key Cabinet post. According
to completely fabricated reports, the one and only Santa Claus
has engaged in preliminary discussions about a possible top
job in the Bush administration.

Claus, a beloved mythical figure known primarily for his efficient
worldwide distribution of Christmas cheer, has no prior political
experience. Nevertheless, he is considered a strong choice
due to his extraordinarily high "favorability rating."
And though he is famous for hauling around a gigantic sack,
he is believed to be virtually free of political baggage.

Mr. Claus, who has perfected a technology that enables him
to fly all over the world at lightning speeds in a reindeer-powered
sleigh, is is also being considered for Secretary of Transportation.

Some Washington insiders believe Mr. Claus’ cutting-edge
work in high-speed, petroleum-free transportation could revolutionize
the future of commercial air travel.

Meanwhile, insiders at the Department of Justice confirm
that Mr. Claus’ innate ability to tell who’s been "naughty"
vs. who’s been "nice" made him an attractive candidate
to replace Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General.

And several leading economists — noting Mr. Claus’ powerful
impact on the nation’s gross national product each year at
this time — suspect he may be a contender for Secretary of

The rotund, white-haired statesman, who makes his year-round
residence at the North Pole, may also be under consideration
to head the Department of Gingerbread Housing and Urban Development.

Others believe that Mr. Claus, the nation’s leading employer
of blue-collar elves, would be a natural for the Department
of Elf Education and Welfare.

Several Washington pundits suggest a Claus nomination would
draw strong opposition from Senate Democrats, some of whom
reportedly no longer believe in him.

FBI investigators will be checking Mr. Claus’ background
and "checking it twice," in part to determine whether
his well-documented "love" for little boys and girls
is cause for concern.
A spokesman said Mr. Claus would not be available for comment
on a possible role in the Bush administration because he was
about to leave on a very important annual business trip.

But President Bush said he is eager to discuss the possibilities
over milk and cookies in Washington next week when "Santa
Claus is coming to town."

Related stories:
Claus denies use of steroids
Dec. 25, 2004

wounded in War on Christmas
Dec. 9, 2005

Comments (0) Dec 13 2005

War on Christmas

Posted: under Uncategorized.

wounded in War on Christmas

John Breneman

President Bush continued to draw fire today from enraged
Christian extremists who see him as the latest enemy combatant
in the rapidly escalating War on Christmas.

The president touched off the firefight by sending out a
White House communication emblazoned with the incendiary terminology:
"Best wishes for a holiday season of hope and happiness."

Bush claimed he received faulty intelligence from his Christmas
card team and failed to realize the mere mention of "Happy
Holidays" is enough to send some of his biggest supporters
into a yuletide rage. Many critics regard the card as a slap
in the face of Jesus himself.

Meanwhile, the airwaves are abuzz with the inane debate over
whether America is "taking the Christ out of Christmas."

Sources say Bush is working with the Pentagon to draft a
new card carrying the preferred wording: "Merry Birth
Anniversary of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior who died
on the cross for our sins so that we may ascend to the Kingdom
of Heaven."

As critics blasted the card for being too "politically
correct," a White House insider noted that at least one
other version did feature Jesus but was nixed for being too
"anatomically correct."

"Karl Rove joked that we should go with ‘Peace on Earth’,"
said the senior official, who asked to remain anonymous for
fear that Dick Cheney would strangle him and bury his lifeless
body in an undisclosed location.

The Homeland Security Department cautioned citizens that
uttering the words "Happy Holidays" may put them
at heightened risk of attack by Christian extremists.

In a related story, a Texas man reportedly shot a Mexican
for wishing him "Feliz Navidad."

Sources say the president is planning a damage-control press
conference later today to wish everyone a "Merry Christmas,
especially all our friends in the Muslim world."

Related stories:
Let Them Steal Your Christmas
secular greetings raise Christian ire — The

Virginia, there is a Christmas war"
— North
Country Gazette
Over White House Holiday Card
— CBS News

Comments (0) Dec 09 2005

Cat burglar still at large

Posted: under Uncategorized.

burglar still at large

By John Breneman

A reputed cat burglar charged with stealing small fuzzy toys
from downtown condos eluded police for a third straight day
by leaping over two cruisers and a SWAT team.

The felonious feline is accused of amassing nearly $60 worth
of colorful playthings in a four-month crime spree with animal
control officers hot on his tail. Known by the alias "Elwood,"
he is also a suspect in the disappearance of several dozen
cocktail shrimp from a local restaurant.

Last night two officers had the wily puss cornered in an
alley off Market Street, but bonked their heads together and
fell down when they tried to pounce.

A witness reported seeing a cat matching its description
snatch $300 from a drug dealer and give it to an orphan, and
police believe some residents may be abetting the suspect
with shelter and fire escape feasts of fine North Atlantic

Paw prints were found at the scene of one recent fish market
cat burglary and police say the furry, pointy-eared fugitive
may also be responsible for an alarming 23% decrease in the
local rodent population.

Comments (0) Dec 07 2005

First ass transplant

Posted: under Uncategorized.

doctors perform first ass transplant

John Breneman

PARIS — French doctors have shocked the medical world by
performing the world’s first successful ass transplant. The
patient: an obese man whose original buttocks was disfigured
when he was attacked by wolverines while eating beef jerky.

Claude Derriere came through the surgery well and is now
under round-the-clock observation to make sure his body does
not reject the ass — or, even more important, that the new
gluteus maximus does not reject him.

The crack team of ass surgeons used a state-of-the-art croquet
mallet to anesthetize the 300-pound patient before slapping
on the considerably smaller donor buttocks, harvested from
a Chippendale’s dancer who was killed in a bizarre accident
involving a top hat, a walking stick and five unidentified

Doctors encountered several complications during the nine-hour
operation, including periodic blasts of flatulence described
as "heinous." Efforts to salvage part of the man’s
original can were unsuccessful.

"Both cheeks were totaled in the attack. Those wolverines
really wrecked ’em," said Dr. Francois Butay, noting
that surgeons were forced to use polyurethane putty, roofing
tar and an ordinary household caulking gun to help secure
the donor ass.

say Mssr. Derriere should be able to live a fairly normal
life, once his loved ones get used to the constant odor of
industrial waste. But he has been told he will definitely
need an ass lift in several years and, of course, biannual
injections of Botox in the buttocks.

Related story:
is hazardous to your health

Comments (0) Dec 05 2005