Holiday health tips
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health tips
By John Breneman
— Using a phony-looking, artificial tree instead of a nice,
freshly killed natural tree may reduce your risk of being
consumed in a "Christmas conflagration" by up to
— Never attempt to "catch" a gingerbread man,
especially if it is running
as fast
as it can. (See related story: "Three killed in high-speed
gingerbread man chase.")
— If a large, bearded man clad in red gains entrance to
your home through the chimney, hold your fire until you can
ascertain whether or not he is "the real Santa Claus."
— Drinking more than three 10-oz. glasses of spiked egg
nog may inhibit your ability to operate heavy machinery.
— Setting foot in a mall greatly increases your risk of
being crushed and/or trampled by angry mobs of "holiday
shoppers." (See related story: "Three slain in Wal-Mart
Xbox incident")
— Mincemeat is an excellent source of riboflavin
— Failure to be "nice" during the year may reduce
the quantity of material positions you are eligible to receive
later this month.
— Consuming three or more gooey marshmallow treats greatly
reduces your risk of being afflicted with SDD (Sugar Deficit
— "Popping" holiday bubble wrap can provide hours
of fun for all ages, but it can also kill a baby.
— Eating too much foodstuff described as "yummy"
can cause problems in your "tummy."
— Conduct a thorough background check before exposing your
child to a seemingly benevolent "department store Santa."
Related story:
and awe — Dec. 3, 2004
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Dec 02 2005