Cheney suffered Vietnam deferment flashback

Posted: February 14th, 2006 under Uncategorized.

Dick Cheney’s "To Do" list
# Shoot a human being

ALSO: Don’t
cross this VP
means you, Scooter)

By Chris Elliott

Vice president suffered
Vietnam deferment flashback

By John Breneman

Doctors say Vice President Dick Cheney may have been under
the influence of a "Vietnam deferment flashback"
when he opened fire on a hapless hunting partner.

"Most Vietnam flashbacks involve traumatized combat
veterans," explained Dr. Rene Palmer. "But in a
case like Cheney’s, subconscious guilt about ducking military
service himself then sending thousands of young Americans
to die in an unnecessary war could cause an … episode."

The resulting hallucinations may have made attorney Harry
Whittington appear to the disoriented Cheney as North Korean
leader Kim Jong Il.

The Surgeon General warns that Cheney may also suffer from
Gulf War Syndrome.

Related stories we are pursuing at presstime:

— AG opinion: Prez and VP have unlimited authority to
shoot people

— Insurgent quail leader releases videotape warning of
more ‘accidents’

— Police guard victim, fearing VP may try to ‘finish
him off’

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