Atomic thrill-a-buster…
Congratulations, fellow "nuclear option" survivors.
The thrill-a-minute filibuster crisis is history.
Democracy as we know it has been saved, in a riveting Senate
showdown that most Americans find hopelessly boring compared
to the unfolding drama involving Saddam Husseins underpants.
A recent IBS News poll reveals that 92% of U.S. media consumers
instinctively fall into a deep slumber when hearing the term
"stalled judicial nominations," but are easily revived
by the words half-naked Iraqi madman.
Meanwhile, with all the attention focused on the Senates
so-called nuclear option, Iran has reportedly
developed the capacity to suppress dissent using chemical
and biological filibusters. Worse yet, North Korea is said
to be six months away from deploying a neutron filibuster
that destroys all humans within earshot but leaves the buildings
here to visit John Breneman’s new blog at