Fox News brainwashes American redneck savant
BILLY BUCK TEEFUS: Yep, Billy Buck Teefus here –
American redneck savant. Well. Obama, he seems like a nice,
level-headed young feller. But I heard on Fox News that he
was a: communist, facist, racist, elitist, egotist …
Czarist, Muslim extremist, radical Islamist, militant leftist,
socialist, anti-socialist, anarchist, limp wrist, Leninist,
Stalinist, Marxist, Maoist, Hitlerist, Idi Amin-ist, Darwinist,
Confucianist, jack-bootist, pro-abortionist, brown supremacist,
teleprompter ventriloquist. Plus, he pals around with terrorists.
And them folks at Fox wouldn’t steer us wrong, would