just in:
ticker featured
atop Humor Gazette Page One
The Humor Gazette has reached a multi-year deal with
to display its eye-catching, side-splitting, knee-slapping
"TICKER" at the top of Page One.
The terms of the agreement could not be disclosed due to
the FCC regulations and the Patriot Act but media analysts speculate
it could be upwards of $1.6 killion, along with an "under
the table" exchange of non-monetary assets like a tin
filled with shiny beads, a milk-producing llama and several
cases of absinthe and aged scotch.
editor John Breneman said the influential satire e-newspaper
selected the HumorFeed ticker over many worthy competitors,
including the New York Times, AP, CNN, Reuters and Enlarge
Your Penis.
HumorFeed proprietor E.F. Watley stated: "We are not
Surprised that the Estimable Mr. Breneman has once More demonstrated
a most excellent and rarified Sophistication in selecting
the Humor-Feed over less Wholesome competitors!"
has been described by media expert Paris Hilton as "a
thinking person’s unique and selective association of satire
sites offering premier daily content and juicy, side-splitting
is hot," added Hilton, one of long list of celebrity
fans that includes Britney
Spears, 50
Cent, Tom
DeLay, the late Yasser
Arafat, lovebirds Angelina
Jolie and Kim Jong Il and, of course, Jacko.
The Gazette was recently lauded by Dr. Phil, Dr. Dre and
Dr. Kevorkian for its explosive medical scoop "French
doctors perform first ass transplant" and has
been nominated for a 2005
Political Dot-Comedy Award for "Best Satirical News."
HumorFeed’s Watley — who recently added the work of satire
pioneers Jonathan
Swift and Benjamin
Franklin to the site — also put in a plug for the first-ever
Satire News Competition," in which an esteemed
panel of humorists and journalists selects the best member
story from 2005.