Harshmallow fluff: Sarah slams Michelle

Posted: December 21st, 2010 under Uncategorized.


Mama Grizzly bared her fangs while sating her sweet tooth
Sunday night.

Sarah Palin had already dished
some juicy soundbites
slamming the first lady for
her anti-childhood obesity campaign — and Sunday night
on "Sarah Palin’s Alaska" she came back for s’more.

Demonstrating her evil genius for using even the most innocent
moment to deliver an insult, Palin was gathering marshmallows
for camping snacks when she jabbed Michelle Obama with a
sharpened stick.

"Where are the s’mores ingredients? This is in honor
of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not
have dessert," Palin said (VIDEO).
Some say she then muttered, "Yeah, that’ll show her."

Whether off the cuff or scripted, the zinger reveals much
about the self-styled mocky mom’s path-illogical need to

Picking a feud with the beloved first lady for championing
the health of America’s children might seem like a bizarre
political strategy — but in the paranoid worldview Palin
is pushing, everything bends back to an anti-Obama, anti-Big
Government talking point. It’s really Death Panels 101.

first lady. "Get off our back," Palin had said
in a Nov. 24 radio rant. (See:
Junk-food politics*)
. Most analysts expect hating
on the Obamas to be a key plank in Palin’s 2012 presidential
bridge to nowhere.

* Junk-food politics — salty, brightly packaged soundbites
that contain no nutritional or civic value.

Related story:
cooks up half-baked Hillary slam with stale "cookie"

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