‘Hostile Makeover’

Posted: October 12th, 2005 under Uncategorized.

sues reality show ‘Hostile Makeover’

butt-ugly Florida woman is suing five friends for drugging
her, throwing her in the back of a van and forcing her to
have unwanted cosmetic surgery for a controversial reality
program called "Hostile Makeover."

The plaintiff — battered by liposuction, hip reduction,
dental reconstruction and silicone dysfunction — appeared
in court sporting two black eyes, a bowling-bowl rack and
a botox grimace frozen on her 38DD lips.

She ended up winning $100,000 on a new reality show called
"Sue That Reality Show."

In other reality TV news:
— A Mississippi man was charged with selling his 18-year-old
wife into prostitution for a low-budget reality show he was
filming called "Pimp My Bride."

on the Jacko Channel

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