Wilma hits Bedrock
John Breneman
Hurricane Wilma whistled through the prehistoric town of
Bedrock, Fla., early today. Early reports predicted the Category
4 storm might reduce the village to a heap of rubble, but
officials now say damage was minimal because all the houses
are made entirely of stone.
The death toll stood at zero, but there was one report of
a barefoot man howling in pain when a bowling ball fell on
his foot.
The town’s leading employer, Slate Rock and Gravel Company,
reported that high winds caused several of its dinosaur cranes
to make wisecracks about there being easier ways to make a
A local boy identified only as Bamm Bamm is credited with
saving five people when a gigantic order of ribs tipped over
a vehicle at a drive-in restaurant.
The Loyal Order of Water Buffalos was converted to am emergency
shelter and stocked with large quantities of Fruity and Cocoa
Pebbles cereal
The mood around town was mostly subdued but one man, apparently
relieved at being spared by Wilma’s wrath, could be heard
shouting, "Yabba-Dabba-Doo!"
Related story:
braces for Hurricane Akbar — July 11, 2005