Introducing: The Daily Palin

Posted: November 22nd, 2010 under Uncategorized.



Fact: The Sarah Palin
industry is one of the fastest-growing segments of the U.S.
economy (Main Street Journal).

The Daily Palin has
learned this shrewd, shrewish celebu/poli/tainer plans piggyback
her presidential announcement with the launch of her patriotic
new book — creating a Palinesque perfect storm that could
crest into a full-blown lamestream media tsunami.

Throw in her hit reality
TV show and Sarah Palin is white-hot. We’re talkin’ red,
white and blue hot!

all very exhilarating, I know. But fear not, The Daily Palin
is here to help you make satiric sense of the apparent madness.

Sure she’s a whistlestop
train wreck, but we are duty-bound to rubber-neck because
— love or hate her, adore or abhor her, worship her in-your-face
family values or straight-up fear and loathe her, whether
she sends a tingle up your spine or a grisly gag reflex
up your gullet — if Sarah takes aim at the White House,
verbal bullets are bound to fly.

Chirp — I think she
just tweeted something about Barack Obama palling around
with socialists!

Here at The Daily
Palin, our crack team of Palintologists is poised to deliver
in the ultimate in 24/7 expert coverage of the Palin phenomenon.

Each day, we’ll bring
you Palin perspectives, videos, jokes, links exclusive breaking
fake news ("Sarah survives money avalanche!").

But wait, there’s
more! Throughout the coming weeks, we’ll also publish our
satiric companion to Palin’s new best-seller. Inspired by
the Barracuda Bard herself, we call it "(Real) America
by Heart: Reflections on (Exploiting) Family, Faith and
Flag (for Fun and Profit)."

(Sources say
"America by Heart" is the next in a series of
60-70 Palin books, with future themes to include vampires,
polar bears and left-wing zombies.)

So whether you find
her Alaska drawl melodious or odious, whether you’re just
wild about Sarah or involuntarily tormented by the Wasilla
Wonder — this is a site for Palinistas of all political
persuasions, from right-wing goons to left-wing loons and
everyone in between.

Did you read Frank
Rich’s column ("Could
She Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha")
in yesterday’s
Times? Outstanding as usual!

The video on this
page is noted American redneck savant Billy Buck Teefus
reviewing our previous Palin parody, "Going Vogue."

Please stay tuned
to The Daily Palin for cutting-edge Palinomic analysis of
"real America." A magical land where a politically
green, ex-beauty queen from the Great White North can take
the GOP ‘n’ Tea Party by storm — winking, strutting and
tweeting her way down Main Street straight toward 1600 Pennsylvania

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