Palin ‘death panel’ claim escalates war
on Obama
The GOP’s war on health care escalated today as Sarah Palin
accused President Obama of establishing a death panel
to kill babies and old people.
Palin claimed Obamas evil plan would force
Americans to smother their parents at age 75 with a government-issued
Calling Obama a cannibalistic, Kenya-born communist, Palin
also appealed for civil debate showing once again why
polls rank her the nations most surrealistic political
performance artist.
Rush Limbaugh swastikad Obama by comparing the president
to Adolf Hitler. Obama is a fascist, brown supremacist liberal
jihadist, warned the legendary white-wing media arsonist
casting himself as Sgt. Schultz in the War on Obama.
White-wing media arsonist Rush Limbaugh firebombed Obama
by comparing the president to Adolf Hitler. Obama is a fascist,
brown supremacist liberal jihadist, warned Limbaugh
casting himself as Sgt. Schultz in the War on Obama.
Glenn Beck fired up his troops by calling
Obama a racist who hates white people.
Enraged members of the Glenn Beck Militia then stormed town-hall
meetings to shout down the socialist presidents bigoted,
big-government health-care plot.
CNNs Lou Dobbs remained neutral, advising Obama to
simply fork over some Hawaiian DNA to prove hes a real
as the anti-Obama industry churns out fictional talking points
and free presidential effigy kits, Fox News urged disgruntled
viewers to flood their congressmen with patriotic death threats.
Next in the War on Obama: Bill O’Reilly stokes fears that
the racist, Nazi, baby-killing president will block conservative
nominees from serving on his evil health-care death panel.
When we return: Is aggressive treatment of toxic pundits
covered under Obamas plan?