Uncle Sam vs. Frito Bandito

Posted: under Uncategorized.

given fighting chance

Uncle Sam offers citizenship to illegal immigrants
to go to Iraq

By John Breneman

Uncle Sam today unveiled a new immigration initiative: Illegal
aliens will be offered citizenship if they sign up for a two-year
stint in Iraq. Experts predict as many as two dozen of the
nation’s 11 million illegal residents may take advantage of
the deal.

Debate over immigration reform continued today as a new poll
reveals the majority of Americans are puzzled why it took
so long for the government to realize it needs to secure our
borders and deal with millions of lawbreakers.

Some 32% support building a giant wall and a moat filled
with dragons, 15% support "sending them damn aliens back
to outer space" and 1.2% support seizing Cancun by eminent

House bill includes a provision issuing special badges to
guest workers, but a leading immigration advocate objected
vehemently, saying, "We don’t need no stinking badges."

Related story:
Bandito busted on immigration charges
— May 4,

Comments (0) Apr 03 2006

Driving Mr. Osama

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Bin Laden’s driver linked
to Miss Daisy

By John Breneman

Supreme Court heard oral arguments this week from attorneys
for Osama bin Laden’s former chauffeur, a longtime Guantanamo
Bay resident who is challenging the Bush administration’s
right to try accused war criminals by military tribunal.

"One day I was driving
Mr. B down to the Piggly Wiggly," said Salim
Ahmed Hamdan
, who bears a striking resemblance to
the actor Morgan Freeman, "and alls he could talk about
was bombing the American infidels."

"So I said, ‘Mr. B, you too old to be hatin’ like
that.’ But he didn’t pay me no mind, just laughed at me while
he beheaded the cashier and pistol-whipped the stockboy."
Legal analysts say the court also expected to hear testimony
from bin Laden’s former butler, his dry cleaner and the
guy who took care of his fish tank.

Justice Anton Scalia said anyone who believes detainees
have any rights is an "idiot." He said Hamdan
had "a rap sheet as long as a camel’s dong" —
including speeding, driving to endanger the free world and
illegal transportation of non-existent weapons of mass destruction.

The alleged terror wheelman denied that he drove the getaway
car when President Bush let bin Laden escape from the mountains
of Tora Bora. Meanwhile, Judge Samuel Alito kept glancing
at his watch and asking if it was time to overturn Roe v.
Wade yet.


Racer busted for speeding,
possession of speed
July 27, 2005

Nicole’s Supreme Court sex romp
March 1, 2006

tells judge to ‘go (bleep) yourself’
30, 2006

Hussein pleads insanity
Nov. 28, 2005

Comments (0) Mar 30 2006

Bush speeches critiqued

Posted: under Uncategorized.

This one appeared
in the
March 25, 2006, edition of the Boston Herald.

The oratorical stylings
of Pres. George W. Bush

By John Breneman

President Bush was feeling chatty last week, rolling from
to Washington
to West
to riff about the elusive and bloody quest
for Iraqi democracy.

But the three-day, three-city tour doesn’t mean Bush has
on his policy of talking a lot while saying very little.
(Actually, he did admit he’ll be long gone before the U.S.
ever gets out of Iraq and that, while linking Iraq to al-Qaeda
in the public perception, he has been "very
never to say that Saddam Hussein ordered
the attacks on America.")

For armchair Bush observers, these sessions provide a fascinating
glimpse into the folksy, shoot-from-the-lip communication
style brandished by the man who brought us such legendary
as "bring ’em on" and "dead
or alive."

Bush explained that in addition to "Commander-in-Chief,
I’m also the Educator-in-Chief." Today’s lesson: his
God-given ability to spin rambling monologues around the
semiautomatic repetition of familiar words, phrases and
anecdotes. Victory will be ours as long as we don’t "lose
our nerve," he said four more times Tuesday (saving
the sister soundbite "shake our will" for Wednesday).

One of the president’s favorite "education" tools
is to tack the word "see" to the front or back
of any statement to sound like he’s conveying key information.
(On Wednesday: "An interesting debate in the world
is whether or not freedom is universal, see …" Then,
two seconds later, "See, I believe freedom is universal.")

Yes, I see. Unfortunately, every time Bush instructs me
to "see" he reminds me of those Mugsy-type gangsters
on Bugs Bunny. ("You dirty terrorists. You’ll never
shake our will, see.")

There is much the president wants us to "understand."
He deployed the word 26 times Wednesday, including this
elegant three-fer: "You got to understand that I fully
understand there is deep concern among the American people
about whether or not we can win. And I can understand why
people are concerned."

Unfortunately, he doesn’t understand many of us aren’t
impressed each time he repeats, "I understand people’s
lives are being lost."

way the president likes to educate us simple folk is his
clever and escalating use of the phrase "in other words"
(nine times Tuesday and an unofficial record 14 on Wednesday).

Sounds like he’s expanding on the previous point, see.
But it’s actually just verbal filler — buying a second
before he delivers his next line of banter or, just as often,
repeats the previous one. (Example from Wednesday: "Iraq
is a part of the global war on terror. In other words, it’s
a global war.")

Yes, when the president hops on a word, he sure rides it
into the sunset. Take "threat," for example. It
popped out of the presidential piehole 16 times in Cleveland
and another 20 in West Virginia, where he packed nine "threats"
into this edited 40-second spiel: "I saw a threat in
Iraq. I’ll tell you why I saw a threat. … Congress
in both political parties saw a threat. My predecessor saw
a threat. I mean, my predecessor saw a threat and …
The world saw a threat. … We saw a threat. I’ll tell
you why I saw a threat. I saw a threat because…"

Finally, one staple of any presidential address is the
anecdote. Well your president has a new favorite and if
you haven’t heard it yet, don’t fret. When the president’s
father fought in World War II, Japan was our sworn enemy,
see. But today, Bush mugs, Prime Minister Koizumi is "one
of my best buddies."

Unfortunately, the story does less to illustrate the president’s
point about progress toward peace than it does to underscore
the harsh contrast between the decorated Navy hero and the
back-slapping, Vietnam-ducking National Guard party boy
— the father who knew bagging Baghdad "wouldn’t be
prudent" and the son who now has no choice but to "stay
the course."

Boston Herald copy editor John Breneman is editor
of the satire Web site www.HumorGazette.com.

Related stories:
praise President Bush’s ‘I think about Iraq every day’speech

June 27, 2005

vows to do standup until terrorists stand down

Jan. 25, 2006

takes part-time job clearing brush
Jan. 26,

bomb: Bush slays ’em with WMD gag
March 26,

Bush’s 2006 New Year’s resolutions
— Jan. 11, 2006

suffers from Iraq-tile Dysfunction
— Jan. 2, 2006

received faulty intelligence from God
— July 14,

fingerprints found on president’s ass
— Jan. 23,

tells nation: ‘I’m sure something will pop into my head’

April 14, 2004

Comments (0) Mar 28 2006

Osama’s hotel demands

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Osama Bin Laden’s list of travel demands

By John Breneman

Vice President Dick
‘s list of hotel travel requirements — featuring
such bland fare as bottled water, diet Sprite, decaf coffee
and a mandatory dose of Fox News — has mushroomed into
a major news story today after being leaked by the
Smoking Gun

However, a secret addendum to the list reveals that Cheney
also demands a loaded shotgun, a Bugs Bunny-Elmer Fudd DVD
and an inflatable Ann Coulter sex doll. The VP also reserves
the right — if a television is tuned to any channel other
than Fox News — to smash the hell out of it then hurl it
out the window.

Humor Gazette has obtained a similar list detailing the
hotel requirements of fugitive terror kingpin Osama
bin Laden
, who often registers under the alias Osama

One 30-pack of Milwaukee’s
Best beer
and a jug of Mountain Dew Code Red

A 64-inch, high-definition, flat-panel

plasma television tuned to Al-Jazeera

Two packs of Camel non-filtered cigarettes

A half-pound of fois gras pate and a
box of Ritz crackers

Two unopened bags of Sta-Puff marshmallows

Five tins of Dinty Moore beef stew

A half-dozen nubile virgins

A bag of opium

An organic buckwheat pillow

Three unopened canisters of VX nerve gas

A suitcase containing $50,000 in unmarked
U.S. $100 bills

A Baxter 1550 kidney dialysis machine
and six chilled pints of type O blood

A Gideon Koran in the top drawer of his

Editor’s note: What else would bin Laden
demand in his hotel room? Comments below

Comments (0) Mar 24 2006

Iraq hard, stay the (inter)course

Posted: under Uncategorized.

President: ‘Iraq hard … Stay the intercourse’

By John Breneman

Erecting a democracy in Iraq is "hard work," President
Bush reminded us again Tuesday. When spreading the seed of
freedom, America must not "lose its nerve" and pull
out too soon. Stay the intercourse.

"Failure in Iraq," the president twanged, "id’n
gonna happen."

The president also claimed a significant victory in his ongoing
battle with the media, making it through an entire news conference
without wounding himself with friendly fire. He jousted with
reporters, dodged what he called a "trick question"
and gave a fresh vote of confidence to Defense Secretary Donald
"Heckuva Job, Rummy" Rumsfeld. (Anyone smell a medal?)

The president wisely stuck to his familiar strategy of never
answering a question directly. For example, when asked whether
he is concerned that "a growing number of Americans are
questioning the trustworthiness of you and this White House,"
the president said, "I believe that my job is to go out
and explain to people what’s on my mind. That’s why I’m having
this press conference, see."

He continued, "I’m telling you what’s on my mind. And
what’s on my mind is winning the war on terror." Unfortunately
he also admitted that complete U.S. withdrawal from Iraq will
be handled not by him, but rather "future presidents"
with input from "future governments of Iraq."

Three years after launching his brilliant Iraq plan, the
president once again sought to reassure Americans with comments
like "I understand people’s lives are being lost"
and "What we’re doin’ is difficult work."

The president also busted out, four times, his very favorite
soundbite — the one about not "losing our nerve"
— in these out-of-context snippets from Tuesday’s speech:

"The enemy has said that it’s just a matter of time
before the United States loses its nerve and
withdraws from Iraq."

Later, "I think that if we were to lose our nerve
and leave prematurely, those (Iraqi) reformers would be let

Later still, "Well, if the United States were to lose
its nerve
, it would certainly make the job of reformers
more difficult."

And finally, "If (the bad guys) see us lose our
, it’s likely to undermine their boldness and
their desire." Huh? Anyway, if you suspect you are beginning to lose your nerve, please
consult the nearest reputable nerve agent.

in the news:
Charges have been dropped against Debra LaFave,
the hot blond Florida teacher who had sex with a 14-year-old
student. At a press conference Tuesday she whacked the media
for blowing the story "out of proportion" then announced
she wants to become a journalist. Her first story — embedded
coverage with a local Cub Scout troop.

Related story:
a lie doesn’t make it true
Aug. 16, 2004

* Bush forked tongue image by www.forkedtongue.org

Comments (0) Mar 22 2006

Riley O’Blarney

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Party majority leader
announces major green party

Green Party Majority Leader Riley O’Blarney today called
for a national day of drinking Guinness and "wearin’
o’ the green."

"May the cold beer make you forget about war and terror,
hurricanes and floods and government shenanigans," said

Several leading
threw their support behind President Bush,
saying he could really use the luck.

Related stories:
Wanted: Pope
April 18, 2005

Jesse Jackson mulls pope bid
April 11, 2005

Comments (0) Mar 17 2006

Violence strikes TV

Posted: under Uncategorized.

just in:
Violence strikes TV

By John Breneman

TV talking heads are reporting today that the TV world is
abuzz with a hot new trend: killing off key characters on
hit shows.

The gun blast to the gut of mob boss Tony Soprano on Sunday
triggered this gruesome bullet point: The grim reaper is claiming
victims from blockbuster shows like never before, having harvested
souls from the casts of "Lost," "The Shield,"
"24" and "ER."

Not surprisingly, more grisly spinoffs are in the works.
The producers of "60 Minutes" announced today they
are bumping off Mike Wallace and negotiations are under way
for Bill O’Reilly to strangle a liberal, live on FOX.

Sources say fans of "American Idol" will be shocked
when the season finale erupts in a deadly gun battle between
Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul. Spoiler alert: Good news for
those who dream of seeing Ashton Kutcher riddled with bullets
in a "very special" episode of "That ’70s Show."

The soap opera world will also scrub some characters, most
notably on "All My Children" where Pine Valley diva
Erica Kane (Susan Lucci) goes on a five-state killing spree.

In reality TV, "The Simple Life" turns deadly when
Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie get part-time jobs in the National
Guard then accidentally nail each other with friendly fire.

Next week: Which of the "Desperate Housewives"
will die in a drive-by?

Editor’s note: Our pretend focus group of big-name
TV executives invites you to pitch other ideas for the growing
"TV Death Toll ’06" in the Comments section

Comments (0) Mar 15 2006

Cheney whacks Soprano

Posted: under Uncategorized.

implicated in Soprano shooting

Spoiler Alert !!

By John Breneman

Vice President Dick Cheney ordered last night’s shocking
"hit" on TV mob boss Tony Soprano and will make
a cameo appearance in next week’s episode to "personally
finish the job."

This according to a longtime Cheney lieutenant who helped
cover up a 2002 incident in which the vice president accidentally
gunned down a federal judge while whirling and firing at a
dove in the Rose Garden.

FBI and TV sources say Cheney, reputed don of the notorious
Bush family syndicate, will sneak into Soprano’s hospital
room wearing a Richard Nixon mask, strangle a bodyguard and
then spray Soprano with gunfire. However, there is also unconfirmed
chatter that Cheney may instead blast the mobster with a shoulder-fired
bazooka. Bada-boom.

Soprano was said to #3 on the vice president’s top-secret
"Whack List," a ledger of enemies who have crossed
him on everything from the dubious Dubai deal to his wacky
Iraq scam.

In other Cheney-related news, the vice president may have
accidentally carved up a man with a chainsaw while "clearing
brush" on President Bush’s ranch.

president slays 4 in Olympic biathlon incident

Feb. 24, 2006

accidentally detonates nuclear weapon
Feb. 14,

Cheney’s "To Do" list
Feb. 13, 2006

suffered Vietnam deferment flashback
Feb. 14,

Comments (0) Mar 13 2006

Dubai goes bye-bye

Posted: under Uncategorized.



By John Breneman

President Bush today declared "mission accomplished"
in the Dubai ports deal, calling the Arab company’s decision
to divest its U.S. holdings a victory in his new campaign
to avoid a Republican Party civil war.

Bush said the collapse of the Dubai Ports World deal, though
it may SEEM like another example of stone-cold administration
incompetence, is actually a blessing because it removes a
potential distraction from the even more vital Halliburton-Iraq
Civil War deal.

The president reiterated that, as soon as he became aware
of the controversial ports contract, he immediately conducted
a thorough security review to determine whether it increased
his vulnerability to external political attack.

He also reminded fellow Republicans that he is not afraid
to deploy a pre-emptive veto in a ham-handed attempt to squelch
insurgent activity within the GOP.

Comments (0) Mar 10 2006

Bonds on ‘roid rampage

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Bonds rages against steroid allegations

John Breneman

Barry Bonds angrily denied allegations of steroid use today,
smashing several airplanes and buses to underscore his claim
of innocence.

A spokesman said a new book detailing Bonds’ reputed steroid-shooting
and gobbling will not affect his quest to amass the largest
head in baseball history.

When asked by the media whether he was "ripped"
on steroids at that moment, the giant Giants slugger responded
by grabbing 5-9, 185-lb. shortstop Omar Vizquel, swinging
him like a bat and knocking over several cameramen.

Bonds, who needs just 48 home runs to surpass Hank Aaron’s
all-time record, said he plans to do that by May, break his
own single-season mark of 73 in late July and then die of
liver failure and exploding testicles around September.

Related stories:
claims he did steroids with Bush
Feb. 14, 2005

Hulk implicated in steroid probe
March 18, 2005

Comments (0) Mar 08 2006