Oh, what a tangled web Rove wove
John Breneman
Hey look, a spaceship. What, that wasn’t enough to distract
you from the fact that a pesky little White House leak has
oozed into a nasty Karl Rove oil spill?
C’mon people, look at the pretty white rocket.
So what if the president’s right-hand man allegedly endangered
America by leaking the identity of a CIA agent whose
husband exposed one of the lies that led us to war?
I mean, please, everyone knows a big part of Rove’s job is
unscrupulous damage control and politically motivated revenge.
This is not quadruple super secret background info.
So don’t be distracted by the media feeding frenzy on the
Nigerian yellow cake fiasco or by subsequent dirty tricks
and coverups.
Instead, the White House would prefer you to be distracted
by Tom Cruise’s latest antics or those zany Democrats and
their war
on Christianity. And of course
terror, terror.
Besides, the president has assured us that he will be "more
than happy" to talk about the Rove matter "at the
appropriate time." Yes of course
happy, happy,
Sorry, gotta run. That spaceship
is almost ready to blast off.
* * *
In a related development, the Humor Gazette/IBS News is negotiating
with federal prosecutors to avoid prison time for refusing
to divulge its sources for an April 1, 2005, fake news exclusive
"President ‘punked’ press, public with Iraq gag."