Newt back Sotomayor for Supreme Court job
John Breneman
Conservative pundits Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich announced
today they strongly support elevating federal appeals court
Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court
as its cleaning
Sotomayor has been branded a racist by both men — Gingrich,
the former Tweeter of the House, and Limbaugh one of the nation’s
leading producers of racist rhetoric.
The judge stands to become the first Hispanic justice to serve
on the High Court, but because she was nominated by President
Obama, some on the far right believe it is their duty to trash
Sotomayor by any means necessary — part of their mission
to purge the Republican Party of everyone except rich conservative
Former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo, whose anti-immigrant
2008 presidential run was hailed by those who share his Archie
Bunker mentality, said Sotomayor was a member of the "Latino
KKK" and offered to burn her house down in the middle
of the night.
Obama’s selection of Sotomayor has also disappointed some
on the left who hoped he would be more aggressive about adding
diversity to the court by picking the nation’s first openly
gay Haitian-Japanese transvestite albino Orthodox Pagan jurist.
Also troubling to some analysts, Sotomayor’s judicial record
reveals no indication how she would rule when the inevitable
"John & Kate Plus Eight" divorce case reaches
the high court.
Other critics say Sotomayor’s record on the bench raises
concerns that she might be a strict neo-originalistic pro-Darwinian
However, supporters say she is supremely well-qualified.
Her favorite musical group is The Supremes and she subsists
primarily on Pizza Hut Super Supreme pizza, though there is
little or no paper trail on what toppings she prefers. She
also has a cat named Oliver Wendell Holmes and a schnauzer
named Brown vs. the Board of Education.
idol is said to be the distinguished former Chief Justice
Joseph Albert Wapner and she once did pro bono work for Sonny
Senate Republicans are expected to employ a variety of tactics
— intense questioning, badgering, tickling, sodium pentathol
and waterboarding — to grill her about her stance on Roe
v. Wade, Donkey v. Elephant, Paper v. Plastic and the People
vs. Pea-Brained Satirists.
Related story: Judge
Roberts faces abortion litmus test — July 29, 2005