Saddam sues Uncle Sam

Posted: October 17th, 2005 under Uncategorized.

sues Uncle Sam

the trial of Saddam Hussein draws near, attorneys for the
Baghdad Barbarian say he plans to sue the U.S. government
for "cruel and unusual taking over a guy’s country"
and for "roughing him up" when they yanked him out
of his cave in December 2003.

Meanwhile a new CNN/Al-Jazeera poll revealed Hussein’s
approval rating is at an all-time low.

Prosecutors say Humor Gazette reporter John Breneman may
be called to testify about conversations related to his May
23, 2005 exclusive
"Photos prove Saddam possessed BVDs."

Legal analysts speculate that several other Gazette/IBS News
scoops may also come up during the much-anticipated next "Trial
of the Century," including:

links Saddam Hussein to … Rumsfeld"

June 11, 2004

Hussein seeking work as a media pundit
21, 2005

and Osama adopted shaved-ape baby
Oct. 28, 2003

pulls lawsuit out of briefs case
May 25, 2005

loses shirt in stock market
July 19, 2002

Also today, a
sneak peek at the Iraqi Constitution.

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