Sarah Palin book review: ‘Going Redneck’

Posted: November 10th, 2010 under Uncategorized.

Sarah Palin book review: ‘Going Redneck’

Yep, Billy Buck Teefus here — American redneck savant.

Here to tell you that – if you like pitbulls and hockey moms
and "real Americans" — why, you ain’t gonna find
a better book than this here new best-seller from Miss Sarah
Palin — "Goin’ Vogue."

Them that can read tells me it’s getting poor reviews from
the godless elite liberal media.

But I like Sarah Palin, cause she knows how to pander to
lowest common denominator types like me. Plus, we both believe
in the God-given right of every fetus to own a gun.

So go on out and get yerself a copy of "Goin’ Vogue"
— why, it’s chock full of homespun, common-sense misinformation
about how to field dress Katie Couric and how to fight off
one of President Obama’s death panels.

calls National Geographic cover ‘sexist’

‘Going Vogue’ in maverick memoir

Buck Teefus:
Thanksgiving blessing ’07

Buck Teefus:
Redneck Xmas album

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