Spears baby to be named T-Bone
John Breneman
Britney Spears has given birth to a boy, the second of her
12 children, and a source close to her cigarette dealer claims
the beloved pop commodity plans to continue the trend of oddball
celebrity baby names like Suri, Coco, Shiloh and Apple.
"Yeah, she’s gonna name him Camel, either that or Marlboro,"
said Cleetus Chesterfield, a Kentwood, La., tobacco distributor.
Off-the-chain hip-hop megastar Kevin Federline, believed
to be the baby’s mama’s "pimp daddy," is reportedly
leaning toward calling him Lil’ K-Fed or Toxic G.
While mini FedX is just Spears’ second child, he is at least
the fourth for Federline (father of Kori, 4, and Kaleb, 2,
with Shar Jackson). The National Enquirer is reporting the
opportunistic rap god may have sired as many as 25-40 children
with dozens of random "beeyatches" and "hos."
Spears reportedly delivered a 6-pound, 11-ounce boy just
before 2 a.m. Tuesday, via a rare procedure called an MTV-section.
In related news: Actress Minnie Driver gave birth to a boy,