In a world of red vs. blue — only one man has the guts
to go orange.
And now that he’s about to become Speaker of the House,
everybody’s dying to know the secret to John Boehner’s smoldering
apricot complexion.
The Daily Palin has obtained exclusive details about this
hard-drinking, hard-smoking, oft-sobbing SOB’s unique nutritional
regimen. This from a source close to the sous chef who prepares
Boehner’s carrots, yams and tangerine meringue pie.
Breakfast: 1 orange, 12-oz. glass Tang
Lunch: 2 oranges, 1 carrot
Dinner: Orange-roasted lame duck, yams,
Dessert: 4 oz. orange sherbert
(8-12 screwdrivers, optional)
This is the same diet that sustains Boehner as he inhales
hundreds of thousands of dollars from Big Tobacco
(and untold soft money from the citrus industry).
The same diet that that will keep the pumpkin-faced pugilist
in top form for his upcoming firefights with President Obama,
who is on record mocking his orange-skinned rival as a "person
of color, although not a color that appears in the natural
world." (VIDEO:
Obama cracking wise at 2009 White House Correspondents Dinner)
One further advantage to Boehner’s year-round Jack-o-lantern
glow: Dick Cheney won’t accidentally bust a load of buckshot
into his blaze-orange mug. (Related
story: Cheney slays 12 in 21-gun salute)
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