The Sermonator

Posted: August 29th, 2005 under Uncategorized.

Rev. Robertson (aka The Sermonator)
calls for more righteous whackings

By John Breneman

Rev. Pat Robertson today clarified his call for the assassination
of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying he was only delivering
a message from God.

"Hasta la vista, baby." Robertson claimed the Lord
appeared to him in a vision and said He wanted U.S. special
forces to "smite" the ornery South American leader
by "busting a cap in his loins."

God also mentioned that He wants North Korean leader Kim
Jong Il to "sleep with the fishes," according to
Robertson, who added that the Creator has targeted three top
Iranian leaders to be "iced," "whacked"
and "rubbed out."

The Christian Coalition founder also elaborated on his recent
prayer that God grant conservatives another Supreme Court
vacancy "one way or the other,"
saying that
any judge who supports a woman’s right to an abortion ought
to be put down for a "dirt nap."

"And don’t get me started on Allah," said Robertson.
"I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse."

When asked how he could justify calling for murder when the
Sixth Commandment clearly states "Thou shalt not kill,"
Robertson responded, "You talking to me, punk?"

Related story:
hitman: Rev. Robertson says ‘Thou shall kill’
25, 2005

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