Terror error

Posted: under Uncategorized.

error blamed on
crappy education in
extremist Islamic schools

By John Breneman

One of the spineless dirtbags involved in yesterday’s bombing
attempt in London claims he and his cohorts botched the job
because their fanatically anti-American education has left them
hopelessly stupid.

"Most of us suicide bombers aren’t too bright,"
admitted Wak-Jaab al-Jalopy, a 1995 graduate of America-Must-Die
Elementary School in Islamabad, one of the so-called "madras"
schools that are notorious for brainwashing young people to
hate Western culture and kill innocent people.

"We wanted to learn how to read, do mathematics, study
literature and science. You know, feed our curious young minds.
But the teachers were always like ‘Hate America’ this and
‘Great Satan’ that. America. America. America," said

"Those teachers didn’t care if you could read. As long
as you demonstrated intense hatred of the American pig-dogs
they would just pass you on to the next grade. In fact when
I was in sixth grade, I was already hating America at a ninth-grade

The result of this extremist educational system, he said,
is a whole generation of would-be martyrs who — like that
boneheaded shoe bomber — are often too feeble-minded to carry
out their missions. And forget about having the basic common
sense to realize that Allah probably wouldn’t want them to
kill people in His name.

"The madrases teach us that 2 + 2 = 4 is just another
perverse American lie. Man, I can barely tell time and they
expect me to detonate a crude explosive device?"

Al-Jalopy speculated that two of the failed bombers may have
been trying to blow themselves up and chew gum at the same
time. Another, he said, was recognized in his school yearbook
as "most likely to blow his own ass off without killing
any infidels."

Related stories:
attack heightens worldwide hatred of terrorist schmucks

July 8, 2005
bombers get cold feet, call in sick
June 6, 2005

Comments (0) Jul 22 2005

Supreme Court supremacy

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Court pick seen as victory for
oppressed white Christian male

By John Breneman

By nominating U.S. Appeals Court Judge John G. Roberts Jr.,
President Bush disappointed those who hoped he would add diversity
to the Supreme Court by picking the nation’s first openly
gay Mexican-Chinese transvestite albino jurist.

However, the conservative Roberts does meet the most important
test for any nominee; he does not appear to have an illegal
nanny or sexual harassment fetish.

Roberts’ agent was able to negotiate a lifetime contract
worth an estimated $200,000 a year for the 50-year-old legal
superstar, who also receives an unlimited supply of free robes
and imported rosewood gavels.

President Bush has said repeatedly he would apply no "litmus
test" in evaluating the candidates as long as they oppose
Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision guaranteeing all fetuses
the right to own a gun.

Supporters are hailing the choice as an important victory
for the oppressed white Christian male. Legal analysts say
Roberts should be confirmed by the Senate, but only after
intense grilling by Democratic senators regarding his view
on the death penalty for satirists.

Comments (0) Jul 20 2005

Pillsbury Doughboy kidnapped

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Pillsbury Doughboy kidnapped

John Breneman

In a brazen act of culinary-political terrorism, masked intruders
armed with razor-sharp butter knives kidnapped the Pillsbury Doughboy
from the heavily guarded Pop “n” Fresh compound in Crescent City,

No group has claimed responsibility for the abduction of the Doughboy,
the cherubic, flour-white baking industry icon who is the sole heir
to the vast Pillsbury fortune. But a ransom note scrawled in chocolate
frosting at the scene demanded that four dozen unmarked fudge brownies
and $50 million be deposited in a Danish bank account.

The FBI reportedly is investigating several leads — including whether Pillsbury archrival Duncan Hines is in any way involved. A source close to the Doughboy said he was in possession of a new secret recipe for a no-calorie bundt cake at the time he was snatched.

According to an anonymous FBI informant known only as John Dough,
other possible suspects include Betty Crocker, a Pillsbury subsidiary
whose own line of mouth-watering baked goods was often overshadowed
by the ubiquitious Doughboy. Federal investigators are also looking
into a possible connection between the Pillsbury kidnapping and
the nearby heist of an armored Brink’s truck filled with dough.

The only witness to the abuduction was one of the Doughboy’s bodyguards,
who reportedly saw a dark, late-model sedan racing away from the
Pillsbury compound and thought he heard plaintive, high-pitched
squeals of “Hoo, hoo!” coming from inside the vehicle.


Comments (0) Jul 18 2005

Did Potter use banned potions?

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Critics charge Harry Potter used
performance-enhancing potions

By John Breneman

Best-selling children’s book wizard Harry Potter –
already under
fire from evangelical Christian groups
and even
the Pope
for promoting witchcraft – now faces
charges that he has used performance-enhancing potions.

To cast his magical spell over young minds throughout the
world, Potter has reportedly dabbled in a list of banned substances
that includes Flobberworm, Chocoballs and Peppermint Toads.

“There’s no telling what kind of illicit Pixie
Juice this kid has gotten into,” said Lucius Malfoy,
father of Potter’s archrival Draco Malfoy, in today’s
edition of the Daily Prophet, the national wizarding newspaper.
“I mean, nobody is THAT good at the game of Quidditch.”

Malfoy alleges Potter may have experimented with a Swelling
Solution, a potion that causes body parts to swell to enormous
proportions. He also there claims are hidden clues to Potter’s steroid
use in the book “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Horse

The use of performance-enhancing spells and magical substances
touches on many ethical and legal gray areas. For example,
the Wizard’s Handbook lists “Eye of Newt” as
an acceptable substance, but “Newt Growth Hormone”
is banned.

At presstime, there is no conclusive evidence linking Potter
to illegal use of Jelly Slugs or Unicorn Testosterone, but
there is a growing call among critics for authorities to test
the young wizard’s wiz. If officially charged and convicted
of using banned substances, Potter could face up to 18 months
in the maximum-security prison at Azkaban.

Potter’s supporters claim the allegations are motivated
by jealousy — he is about to break all existing records for
book publishing — and attribute the anti-Potter movement
to society’s growing inability to distinguish between
fact and fiction.

Related stories:
Hulk implicated in steroid probe
March 18, 2005

claims he did steroids with Bush
Feb. 14, 2005

Comments (0) Jul 15 2005

Rove’s oil spill

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Oh, what a tangled web Rove wove

John Breneman

Hey look, a spaceship. What, that wasn’t enough to distract
you from the fact that a pesky little White House leak has
oozed into a nasty Karl Rove oil spill?

C’mon people, look at the pretty white rocket.

So what if the president’s right-hand man allegedly endangered
by leaking the identity of a CIA agent whose
husband exposed one of the lies that led us to war?

I mean, please, everyone knows a big part of Rove’s job is
unscrupulous damage control and politically motivated revenge.
This is not quadruple super secret background info.

So don’t be distracted by the media feeding frenzy on the
Nigerian yellow cake fiasco or by subsequent dirty tricks
and coverups.

Instead, the White House would prefer you to be distracted
by Tom Cruise’s latest antics or those zany Democrats and
their war
on Christianity
. And of course … terror,
terror, terror.

Besides, the president has assured us that he will be "more
than happy" to talk about the Rove matter "at the
appropriate time." Yes of course … happy, happy,

Sorry, gotta run. That spaceship
is almost ready to blast off.

* * *

In a related development, the Humor Gazette/IBS News is negotiating
with federal prosecutors to avoid prison time for refusing
to divulge its sources for an April 1, 2005, fake news exclusive
"President ‘punked’ press, public with Iraq gag."

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Comments (0) Jul 13 2005

Hurricane Akbar

Posted: under Uncategorized.

U.S. braces for Hurricane Akbar

John Breneman

A dangerous al-Qaeda affiliate calling itself the al-Roker
Umbrella Jihad has issued a statement claiming responsibility
for Hurricane Dennis.

"Florida is now burning with fear and terror, from north
to south, east to west," the group said. "The next
one, Hurricane Akbar, will be a Category 4 storm aimed at
Washington, D.C., or perhaps Tallahassee."

President Bush responded by pledging to bomb as many clouds
as necessary to defeat "this weather of mass destruction."
Regarding the group’s threat of future ill winds, Mr. Bush
said, "Bring ’em on."

The president declared Florida a "major disaster area"
and plans to send millions in federal disaster relief funds
down to his brother Jeb, the governor. He once again rejected
calls from his critics to declare Iraq a major disaster area.

The Department of Homeland Security warned there is evidence
of a high-pressure system gathering in the Middle East and
the CIA reportedly has intercepted some "chatter"
that Iran is working an advanced weapons system capable of
delivering a barrage of 120-millimeter, armor-piercing hail

Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff is urging Americans
to be extra vigilant against tornados, sand storms and tsunamis.

Tomorrow’s forecast calls for a 60 percent chance of terror,
prompting noted blues meteorologist and "Hurricane"
expert Bob Dylan
to observe, "You don’t need
a weatherman to know which way the
war blows

Related stories:
terror alert smells fishy
Aug. 7, 2004

at risk of attack by giant pterodactyl
May 27, 2004

issues terror warning
July 11, 1542

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Comments (0) Jul 11 2005

Terrorists are morons

Posted: under Uncategorized.

attack heightens worldwide hatred of spineless terrorist jerks

By John Breneman

The terrorist group claiming responsibility for the deadly
blasts in downtown London, the Secret Organization of al-Qaida
in Europe, “couldn’t bomb its way out of a paper
bag,” according to a spokesman for a rival gang also
trying to take credit, the Brotherhood of Black Panther Mujahdeen
Extremist Mofo Pisspot Razzmatazz.

Now a third group, the Islamic Bowel Movement of Asshat Jumanji,
is claiming the bombing was a message to the G-8 leaders holding
a world summit in Scotland to “stop their Zionist crusade
against poverty and AIDS.”

Also claiming responsibility: the Tupac Shakur Liberation
Front, Allah’s Alliteration Army and the Balsamic Vinegar

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Islamic Fahqwad Opposition
Brigade condemned as “spineless jerkbags” all who
would kill in the name of Allah. “I just prayed to the
Big Guy and, believe me, he’s none too pleased,”
said spokesman Nomar Fatwa. “I mean, what self-respecting
deity wants to be placed on a terrorist watch list?”

The Irish Republican Army issued a statement challenging
“all those bloody arse-wipes” to a street fight
using only fists and pipebombs.

Several groups have disavowed any connection to the deadly
bombings, including the notorious Appalachian terror clan
led by Jihad Clampett and Jethro Mujahdeen.

Note: If you know the names of any other reputed
fake terrorist organizations,
please report them to foshizzle@humorgazette.com.

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Comments (0) Jul 08 2005

New Olympic sports

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Carrying a torch for Olympic innovation

Greco-Roman dope-slapping champion Mavis "Ironfist"
Smith prepares to "finish" an opponent in
an Olympic qualifying match.

By John Breneman

Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympic Committee,
today unveiled several new surprises he has in store for the
2012 Summer Games in London.

Acknowledging that society today is far more violent than
when the modern Games began in Athens, Greece, in 1896, Rogge
has announced several new events to give the Games a "tougher

"The fans want action," said Rogge, who fiddled
with a blazing acetylene torch during his press conference.
"They want guts and glory. Danger. Pain."

Among Rogge’s innovations:

Trampoline Taekwondo — Competitors try to pummel
each other with an acrobatic array of kicks and punches, while
springing nearly 30 feet in the air and working in such compulsory
and optional moves as the double front somersault with a full

Drive-By Pentathlon — Unlike its traditional counterpart
the Modern Pentathlon (an event consisting of shooting, fencing,
swimming, riding and running) the gritty urban Drive-By Pentathlon
tests a competitor’s skill at shooting, trash talking, driving,
running and more shooting.

Pistol Whip — Loosely based on the Hammer Throw,
this event tests a competitor’s ability to subdue an opponent
with the butt end of his weapon, then hurl it for maximum
distance and pretend nothing happened.

Rogge also listed among his new "hard-core" events:
bareknuckle boxing, extreme fencing and Greco-Roman dope-slapping.

Other new "action" events being tried on an exhibition
basis include:

Bungee Pole Vaulting — Largely an underground sport
since it was first popularized by the great champion of the
1970s, Clarence "Umbilical Cord" Jones, bungee pole
vaulting is largely indistinguishable from regular pole vaulting
except that spectators get to see colorfully and heavily padded
competitors use pneumatic pogo-poles to fling themselves as
far as 300 feet through the air.

Part of the appeal is that the athletes tend to spray themselves
all over the arena, sometimes even into the stands. During
the 1999 world championships, local favorite Paul Voltaire
Jr. received a standing ovation when he accidentally flung
himself through the javelin competition and was speared in
the buttocks before crash landing in the long jump pit. Voltaire
also holds the distance record with a painful 437-foot vault
at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas.

Synchronized Shot Put — Nimble behemoths heave the
lead ball identical distances after a precisely choreographed
routine of momentum-building gyrations. Plus, fans love how
cute the gargantuan athletes look in their matching leotards.

Equestrian Pommel Horse — Using extraordinary strength,
the athletes fling themselves through a whirling helicopter-like
series of moves while touching the horse with only their hands.
Unlike the stationary pommel horse in mens gymnastics, however,
this event ALSO requires competitors to guide an ACTUAL horse
through a challenging obstacle course, traversing high fences
and water hazards while holding the reins in their teeth.

"It’s all about the TV ratings, baby," said Rogge,
who announced that he would soon reveal the steamy details
of a new event for 2016 that he calls the Sextathlon.

Other events being considered for the 2016 Summer Games in
South Berwick include: Nintendo Triathlon, Quadruple Jump
and Olympic Torch Fighting.

Humor Gazette columnist John Breneman is a former member
of the U.S. national Synchronized Syntax team.

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Comments (0) Jul 06 2005

Flashback: July 4, 1776

Posted: under Uncategorized.


to the first Fourth of July

John Breneman

Had to dash down to the Library of Congress
this week because I realized I had an overdue book ("Curious
George Plays With Fireworks"). While I was there, I began
snooping around and stumbled across a document that sheds
startling new light on our nation’s very first July

The year was 1776. Thomas Jefferson threw a
barbecue at his house and all the founding fathers were there,
along with everybody who was anybody during those heady days
before the Revolution.

Washingtons — George, Martha and little Denzel — stopped
by with some of Martha’s famous lo-carb cherry pie, considered
to be the tastiest in the Colonies.

John and Abigail Adams brought a crate of lobsters
and their 9-year-old son John Quincy, who did nothing but
complain that little Andy Jackson, also 9, kept knocking his
glasses off.

Adams’ older brother Samuel, wearing a stylish
puffy shirt and brown vest, hauled along plenty of his famous
"hand-crafted" beer and kept urging people to try
his Bunker Hill Pale Ale.

Young Aaron Burr brought some pistols in case
anyone wanted to duel and Benjamin Franklin had a box full
of kites festooned with an array of stripes and stars.

Once most of the guests had arrived at Jefferson’s
Monticello estate, Paul Revere galloped up on his horse, Tea
Biscuit, screaming, "The British are coming! The British
are coming!"
"Just kidding," said the patriotic prankster, who
then wandered off to ask Sam Adams for a Valley Forge Lager.

Meanwhile, Jefferson was playing the consummate
host. He had set up a dunking booth with an unfortunate Tory
dressed up like the King of England and the children hollered
"Taxation without representation!" as they hurled
stones to knock the hapless "king" into the water.

Garbed in a chef’s hat and an apron embroidered
with the words, "All menus are NOT created equal,"
Jefferson flipped burgers and hot dogs at the grill and ladled
tankards of East India Company iced tea out of a barrel.

"Hey Jefferson," shouted fellow Virginian
Patrick Henry, "Give me another corndog or give me death!"

Spirits were high because there was a growing
sense that the Colonies were sick and tired of being bossed
around by King George III, who little Andrew Jackson kept
calling "King Georgie Porgie Fatty."

After everyone was stuffed, Jefferson gathered
the whole group and pulled out a rolled-up piece of paper
with some fancy writing on it. He cleared his throat and began
reading. "When in the course of human events," he
began, "yada, yada, yada… We hold these truths to be,

suggested Ben Franklin.

"Yeah that’s it, self-evident … that
all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of …"

"Beer!" shouted Sam Adams.

"Naked chicks!!" exclaimed Paul Revere.

"No, Happiness," said Jefferson, who
droned on for about 20 more minutes until Revere said Jefferson’s
"Declaration of Impudence" was right on the money.

John Hancock grabbed a pen and Adams spilled
a little of his beer onto the edges of the document, saying
it would help give it that "parchment" feel.

Then the celebration really started to get lively.
Thomas Paine implored the revelers to use common sense, but
Hancock and Franklin began lighting off crude rockets packed
with gun powder and various minerals that produced colorful
streaks when ignited.

As Hancock lit the fuse of a Red Glare Whistling
Aerial Repeater, he was distracted for a moment by an attractive
young slave and the charge detonated, blowing off both his
right hand and his favorite powdered wig.

a young seamstress named Betsy Ross dropped what she was working
on, grabbed Hancock’s hand and began sewing it back onto his

Despite the accident, John
suggested — for real — that henceforth we
should celebrate our independence each Fourth of July with
"pomp and parade … guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations
from one end of this continent to the other, from this time
forward forevermore."

So that’s the story of our nation’s first Independence
Day. I still can’t believe that I found it where I did —
scrawled on the back of a 229-year-old, corndog-encrusted
cocktail napkin in the shaky but unmistakable hand of John

Humor Gazette editor John Breneman is believed
to be a direct descendent of Denzel Washington.

Comments (0) Jul 04 2005

Hey Gitmo

Posted: under Uncategorized.

Shocking fake news report from Gitmo

News has obtained shocking new information about alleged prisoner
abuse at Guantanamo Bay, where detainees are being forced
to eat hot-buttered lobster until they are about to burst.

As part of its investigation into reports that the skells
at Gitmo get better food than their Nazi-esque
, the Humor Gazette/IBS News team was the only
fake news organization invited to observe conditions there

Our probe yielded evidence that the practice of treating
prisoners to chateau briand and lobster thermidor

began as a way to deflect attention from alleged mistreatment
of detainees at Gitmo, where allegations of abuse run almost
as rampant as those involving Angelina

The investigation also revealed:
— One guard made fun of an inmate’s Koran
and called Allah a "bonehead."
— At least one inmate fashioned a crude weapon out of a Pez
— Several instances of Muslim prisoners being forced to look
at racy pictures of Angelina Jolie.
— Three uncooperative enemy combatants were forced to stay
at the table and finish all of their mutton or else go to
bed without their date pudding.
— The falafel was awful, but the dirty rice was quite nice.

In order to improve public opinion about the alleged goings-on
at Gitmo, the White House has announced a special benefit
concert by the Guantanamo Bay City Rollers. (Ba-da-bump.)
They’ll be there all week.

other news, a source close to a source who used to be close
to Paris
, says the airhead heiress and her fiancé
— noted Greek shipping heir Paris Latsis, plan to name their
first-born child … Paris. Subsequent children emerging
from skimpily clad Hilton’s barely concealed baby hole will
reportedly be named London, Venice, Manhattan (girl) and Bangkok

In addition to making movies and TV shows and books and music
CDs and handbags and cheesecake cheeseburger commercials,
Hilton will soon be introducing a new line of stylish genital
jewelry. She is also said to be repurposing her infamous home
porn flick as an instructional video for children about how
babies are made.

Related stories:

Penn takes up fake journalism
By Peter Chianca

of a pop tart: Britney unveils perfume
Dec. 15,

split: world mourns Brad-Jen demise
Jan. 12, 2005

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Comments (0) Jul 01 2005